Thee Midniters Concert Related

soulrezsoulrez 565 Posts
edited June 2005 in Strut Central
today was off the fuckin hook...
spaceghost, shig, funksnotdead & his wifey, daze & his ruca, myself & my mom sat in the sun & watched a fat concert, ballads, sou,l latin, im at a loss for words, all i can say is to spend my 2nd to last saturday in cali w/ yall at thee midniters was the best going away present a homie could ever ask for...
mad respect & thanks!



  • yo man glad to see you enjoyed the show.


  • soulrezsoulrez 565 Posts
    yo man glad to see you enjoyed the show.


    yo when they played that i bugged the fuck out...
    Larry Rendon on sax, legendary Bobby Loya on trumpet all i can say is dayyyyyammmm... for those that dunno loya started w/ BLUE SATINS, & was an original member of TIERRA... & lets not forget Bobby Navarrete on horns as well, that horn section is rediculous...
    "Look at all these people...all the different generations of Gente they represent...they're all here because of the music! Music is a powerful and multi-generational bond, handed down from the old to the young, and we need to keep that going. It's the legacy of the Gente, the power of my people.


  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    YES! shit was dope...I was bummed I had to leave before they played Whittier Boulevard...ARGH (Drez did they even play it?)

    I had a blast to kick it with the homies, see some good music, and my girl said the old cholos sitting next to her were "talking about prison, the hole and some dude getting fucked in the ass"

    nothing like seeing some lowrider oldies groups at a swap meet in east LA surrounded by OG's. Shit, I even got to buy a 3 pack of my favorite tshirts...nice.

  • soulrezsoulrez 565 Posts
    YES! shit was dope...I was bummed I had to leave before they played Whittier Boulevard...ARGH (Drez did they even play it?)
    yes! not long after you left, i told shig, daze gonna be maaaaddd!

    I had a blast to kick it with the homies, see some good music, and my girl said the old cholos sitting next to her were "talking about prison, the hole and some dude getting fucked in the ass"
    before you got there they were talkin bout blastin some fool, those dude were all over 40 at least lol

    nothing like seeing some lowrider oldies groups at a swap meet in east LA surrounded by OG's. Shit, I even got to buy a 3 pack of my favorite tshirts...nice.
    can tbeat that, glad you made it out dawg...


  • i went to church on saturday. i cant even put it into words.

    "im looking for boomer. i know there's about 24 of you named boomer here, but im looking for my boomer."

  • soulrezsoulrez 565 Posts
    i went to church on saturday. i cant even put it into words.

    "im looking for boomer. i know there's about 24 of you named boomer here, but im looking for my boomer."

    i've never seen so many well behaved mexicans in one place
    dude was dope, stage presence, vocals everything, if thts church homie im now born again
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