$cientology [SCR]

Dunno if someone already posted up on this but did anyone happen to catch that BBC Panorama joint that made the news this week? I peeped a torrent and shit is as/more disturbing than that PBS Jonestown doco. The BBC dude deserves an OBE. Consider my face truly melted.
The whole 'fair gaming' policy of those nutters is just intense, i get the impression that the lower members of the church are essentially foot soldiers for those on top.
i liked the part in the celebrity centre where he asked each of them in turn about Lord Xenu, was pretty ridicolous that they deny that shit as it is pretty much common knowledge.
what a pack of dickheads.
I should clarify that I didn't mean for journalistic services but just for tolerating that psycho creepy tom cruise wannabe fucker for as long as he did and even when he lost it he still said 'do you understand?' in a calm voice. He handled himself very well in the circumstances.
John Sweeney is actually a really good journalist. I agree though that he didn't come off too well in this one. He himself says of the incident "If you are interested in becoming a TV journalist, it is a fine example of how not to do it. I look like an exploding tomato and shout like a jet engine and every time I see it makes me cringe."
The 'hype' before was mainly due to the wackos putting their footage on youtube, and then trying to stop the BBC from broadcasting the episode. The program is usually longer, so I guess their legal threats, and mindgames, worked cause it looked chopped to bits.
If you want to see some quality Sweeney, check the report he did on thousands of Russians being poisoned by bootleg alcohol. Dude is
Is that Bare Faced Liar? A friend of mine found a copy in a bookshop and was mad excited cos apparently they are sworn to destroying every copy that exists. I asked him to lend it to me and he was reluctant. I definitely have to read that shit now.
"the unfunny truth about scientology" when Im done my little rant. After the doc I was really interested in Scientology because of there "scare tactitcs" and such. What I found out was much much much much worse then anything in the documentary. A couple years ago there was a very dedicated female scientologist. She got hit by a car and was really really hurt because of this. The doctors at the hospital who took care of her made her see a psychiatrist on account of the trauma she went through. Scientologists found out. At about midnight they came into the hospital, picked the woman out of her bed and threw her in a van. Because she saw psychiatrist they threw her in a dark room with no food, no water for two days. Then they put her in a van and drove 18 hours to a hospital with a scientologist doctor. She died. They were gunna be charged but because they have such good lawyers and because they have scare tactics the charges were dropped. A woman I beleive in the 70s wrote a book speaking out of scientology. Scientologists found out and tried this thing called "operation freakout" where they forged her handwriting and wrote that she wanted to bomb the church, I beleive. She was put on court for 8 months until she took a truth serum test where they finally realized Scientology was behind it. It is not a religeon, it is a cult. I did a fair bit of research and I have yet to scratch the surface. It is sick, it really is. Here is the video: . It is not funny and it is true. They even supply their sources. Enjoy.
Yup, "Bare Faced Messiah" - great book which they're still really pissed off about. It traces L. Ron's ascent from shuckster to godhead in a very entertaining way and has a lot juicy info from the files that the FBI were keeping on him, which even Hubbard didn't know about. My favourite bits are all his war hero stories - all the other guys who served with him go on record to say what a huge liar he was even back then. Russell still gets strange people hanging around outside his house.
There must be thousands of Russell Millers. I wonder how many are being stalked?
i find reading book son the internet a bit
This thread sounds suspiciously "british".
Dont you guys have any of your own crazy sci-fi based religions over there?
Why do you have to fixate on OUR crazy sci-fi religions?
Ha hah, I'm neither British nor American. We're all crazy but I love your TV.
Actually, us Brits do have our own sci-fi based 'religion' but it's similarly toothless & benign to most other religion in the UK.
On a slight OT - UK church attendance 2%