Happy Birthday, A---! (aka Cousin Larry)

mordecaimordecai 2,204 Posts
edited May 2007 in Strut Central
How smooth of you not to mention this last night! hope you have a happy birthday foll!may you find more fine, retro furnishings at thrifty prices for your cats to demolish.


  • Hapy Burth Day... How old are ya?

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    The big question is...what are you drinking tonight?

    Happy Birthday man.

  • Thanks yall, I'm 26 this year and I have no idea what I will be drinking tonight. The Mrs. is fixing steaks and I will probably spend 20 min at the beer store trying to decide what I want.

    Oh and Dr*w, Thanks for the 45s. Super cool early B-Day gift.

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,851 Posts
    Happy birthday! I turn the same age in a couple of days.

  • Hey Man, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
    this is first Friday. come up to NY Deli if you want. Too bad they stopped serving Chimay, though. I only got one of those glasses.

  • Hey Man, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
    this is first Friday. come up to NY Deli if you want. Too bad they stopped serving Chimay, though. I only got one of those glasses.

    Shit they stopped selling chimay, damn I only have three of the glasses. I had 4 but I gave one away. Crap. I will try and come through this week though for sure.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    Happy birthday! I turn the same age in a couple of days.
    I'll be 26 next month (hooray for me).

    Happy birthday holmes. How soon will you be appearing on Mordecai's show?
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