do yourself a favor apply for RBMA toronto

go here: the application, make a mix or include a cd of your music and send it off BY MAY 4TH! I was a participant last year for RBMA Melbourne and it was definitly one of the best musical experiences ive had yet. I know there are a lot of people here that would get much from the experience, and just as well, there are a lot of people here that would have quite a bit to offer to the was like two weeks of musical utopia. 24/7 studio time, collaborating with legends, building with likeminded upandcoming musicians, seeing ill shows every night, getting booked in dope clubs, digging excursions, and the only money I spent was on afterhours drinks/food/records. and on top of all that there was no corporate bs to go along with it. you would only know that redbull had anything to do with this by the amount of redbull cans available. il post my application mix if anyones interested.PLEASE reply or PM if you have a question about this. It completly inspired me to be excited about music again and helped me realize that my "dreams" arnt so lofty in reality.
yeah this is a bump
Joe Bataan Interview
Anyone else finish and sent off their apps at all? This should begin as a therapy thread for those who did it. The next ten weeks is going to be stressful as FUCK!
I had a look at this and was going to apply but i'll be at university so i couldn't make it in the unlikely even i was chosen... looks real fun from the videos i checked though!
no smiley faces
and no flowers.
You should def try next year. Even if I dont get in this year (again) I know more about myself and my "musical" self. It's stressfull,yes, but good for the soul.
Whats hood? im interested to know more about your "people".
Just sent it last minute too.
I'm really excited about that.
Do it. Chassy used to bump one of your live mixes at our apartment, and I enjoyed it thoroughly.
Champaign headz know the deal.
Or do they?
Ice grill yourself, young lady.
This year I just sent some of my own music instead of a mix(5 tracks). I wish I gave myself more time to do both. Oh well.
Great Blue Hills,
where you living at now? Did you apply too?
So, those days are well behind me. Still love records, though.
I feel you. I cant help but laugh everytime I read, "B-Boy Immaculate" about Chassy.
He's a great dood, and I always have fun with that guy when he's in town. Its that laugh that gets me everytime.
I slept.
BTW...I put you down as one of the top ten artists from my country that other people should hear. Not like they haven't already, but...
Good work on the new album, Day. I really love it!
It made me laugh every time he said it. He tried to set up a hip hop club in Amherst. I said I'd be his VP, but it never got off the ground. Pot related, I think. I really need to get out to Davis and see him. Good guy.
Thanks Elise (and Bozak for the heads up). I don't know how I missed this thread.
Someone told me I might not be eligible since that album was released. Anyone know if this is true?
Not true. I know that Rasta Roots was accepted a few years back and he helped produce with Tribe.
As well, I believe Flying Lotus released "1983" right before he went to RBMA.
Do it again next year. Honestly I felt horrible knowing that I didnt get in last year, but I know everything happens for a reason.
Eeeenteresteeeeng....I'll look into that. I try not to get my hopes up for things like that. If it happens, cool, if not, there's always next year
I hope to see you there too!!!!!
I feel like getting out my mind garden for a while and meeting people from around the world. Plus record shopping. Whats it like Toronto? The record stores? anyone?
for real though, i've been there at the very first in 98 when it was all national (Germany) and it was the shit. Totally mindblowing. Since then, I always wanted to get on again, but I know the guys who read all the aplications
Toronto's best feature is its multi-culturalism, which translates to an interesting culinary scene.
The record scene is very euro-centric.
I've had things released, but it's pretty darn indie. I've never even had any sort of promotion besides a one sheet. I hope that this won't hurt my chances. I feel like this is something I need right now. I need some inspiration. I feel like I've got a lot to offer and there is so much I want to learn.
I hope that doesn't really play into it.
Did you apply?
I really don't think so. I don't believe they single people out because of where they are in their musical career. I am assuming, but it seems far more honest and not so cookie-cutter.