soulrezsoulrez 565 Posts
edited June 2005 in Strut Central

they just broke in on the emergency braodcast system... damn!


  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

  • novasolnovasol 204 Posts
    I don't think it'll be serious. The earthquake they're talking about was a 7.4 mag. The Indonesian earthquake was a 9.4 or somthing like that...huGE HUGE difference.

  • soulrezsoulrez 565 Posts


    earthquake info

  • soulrezsoulrez 565 Posts
    I don't think it'll be serious. The earthquake they're talking about was a 7.4 mag. The Indonesian earthquake was a 9.4 or somthing like that...huGE HUGE difference.

    your prolly right, but 1st time in my life they ever did a warning after an earthquake & we had some big one... obviously cuz of the last disaster, but crazy none the less...

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    been a lot of seismic activity out here the last few days. There was a 5.6 earthquake out by Day's city on Sunday...

    ...makes you think

  • soulrezsoulrez 565 Posts
    forgot about that, shit fell off our wall sunday morning...

  • novasolnovasol 204 Posts
    Ya also gotta keep in mind what type of EQ it was. If it involves subduction zones being pushed up (bad!), and surrounding waters pushed up...voila tsunami. BUT, if the EQ was below ground and more "radiant", the earthquake waves more likey flows thru the water (like really fast), not displacing it. Without a doubt, I'd listen to the warning, but I don't think it'll wipe out all those overpriced beachfront homes. At least..I hope not...

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    2005 June 15 02:50:54 UTC

    Preliminary Earthquake Report

    U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center

    World Data Center for Seismology, Denver

    A major earthquake occurred at 02:50:54 (UTC) on Wednesday, June 15, 2005. The magnitude 7.0 event has been located OFF THE COAST OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA. (This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.)

    Magnitude 7.0

    Date-Time Wednesday, June 15, 2005 at 02:50:54 (UTC)

    = Coordinated Universal Time

    Tuesday, June 14, 2005 at 6:50:54 PM

    = local time at epicenter

    Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones

    Location 41.329??N, 125.863??W

    Depth 10 km (6.2 miles) set by location program


    Distances 146 km (91 miles) WSW (252??) from Crescent City, CA

    147 km (91 miles) WNW (282??) from Trinidad, CA

    149 km (93 miles) WSW (252??) from Bertsch-Oceanview, CA

    485 km (302 miles) NW (311??) from Sacramento, CA

    Location Uncertainty horizontal +/- 5.7 km (3.5 miles); depth fixed by location program

    Parameters Nst=183, Nph=183, Dmin=164.9 km, Rmss=1.44 sec, Gp= 36??,

    M-type=moment magnitude (Mw), Version=6

    Source USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)

    Event ID usziae

    There was a 5.2 the other morning at around 8:30 with an epicenter 15 to 20 miles from me. I was at work and after around 20 seconds I walked outside cause I couldn't tell which way it was gonna go. Even after all the one's i've been through, they still shake me up (no pun...well kinda) whenever we have them.

    I sincerely hope this isn't a pre-cursor to something bigger.

  • meatyogremeatyogre 2,080 Posts
    dudes, send all the rares to the midwest.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    damn. but i'm glad i don't live THAT close to the beach. earthquakes can screw everyone over, but big waves can't touch me!

    does anyone know how far the waves came inland during the Indonesian tsunamis?

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,918 Posts
    This is just dumb. The local news stations are still buzzing about this, despite the fact that it was announced that there was no danger of a tsunami a few minutes after the original warning. I've heard the word "tsunami" about 30 times in the last five minutes. Now they're showing footage of the coast so we can see that "the waves are coming in just like they always do."

  • The local news stations are still buzzing about this

    If they pre-empt Letterman cause of this booshit, there will be hell to pay.

  • awallawall 673 Posts
    yeah, I was chilling at my friends house in Arcata bottoms earlier today and we had to evacuate. someone called us to tell us there was a warning, so we called 911 and they told us to get to higher ground (we were in the lower part of town near the beach). it was a little bit scary for a second, but I wasn't too worried because the epicenter was off the coast of trinadad, which is about 20 or 30 miles away. but better safe than sorry.

  • soulrezsoulrez 565 Posts
    so hows the urb doin in arcata these dayz...

  • darendaren 28 Posts
    dudes, send all the rares to the midwest.

    Yeah...it's only tornado season here. Instead of having your rares fall off the shelf, they can be flying through a blown roof, into a tree instead!

  • My fucking GOD. They are announcing this on NY morning news as LATE BREAKING NEWS. Showing people running and shit.

    This is why I don't fucking watch the fucking news. Fucking fuck

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    hey has the east coast gotten new information yet or are your reporters out there just fucking stupid?

    ive had three phone calls all within the last 20minutes regarding a tsunami warning here in norcal. i actually got to hear the reporter saying that there has been a tsunami warning in effect since last night...

    someone call your news stations and tell them whats really the deal please so i can get back to work and not have to be talking about safety measures with my ladies mother...


  • damn. but i'm glad i don't live THAT close to the beach. earthquakes can screw everyone over, but big waves can't touch me!

    does anyone know how far the waves came inland during the Indonesian tsunamis?

    From what I understood, it wasn't waves as much as it was just the entire inlet water level rising massively fast and traveling inland. The wave thing would be a giant tidal wave which is def

  • DJFerrariDJFerrari 2,411 Posts
    hey has the east coast gotten new information yet or are your reporters out there just fucking stupid?

    That's just the East Coast's deal. My family lives in Massachusetts and every time I talk to them they're always talking about some disaster in California that's all over the news. I never know what they fuck they're talking about!

    Mom: How are you holding up with the storm right now?
    Me: What storm?
    Mom: The one all over the news. Sounds pretty bad.
    Me: Well, it did drizzle for a little bit yesterday, does that count as a storm?

    It's just a form of jealousy... the east coast tries to make its constant bad weather look bearable by fabricating constant 'disasters' out here. It keeps the folks content.

    DJ Ferrari

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,918 Posts

    It's just a form of jealousy... the Pacific Northwest tries to make its constant fair weather look disasterous by fabricating nonexistant 'disasters' at home. It keeps the news stations in business.


  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    I don't think it'll be serious. The earthquake they're talking about was a 7.4 mag. The Indonesian earthquake was a 9.4 or somthing like that...huGE HUGE difference.

    They just don't want to be caught sleeping in that wake of that tsunami. On the off chance it does happen, they want to be like, "see? we told you so."

    Are there _ever_ tsunamis in the US?

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    Mom: How are you holding up with the storm right now?
    Me: What storm?
    Mom: The one all over the news. Sounds pretty bad.
    Me: Well, it did drizzle for a little bit yesterday, does that count as a storm?

    Truth. Many people think these places are the size of Rhode Island or something. Like with Florida, just because a hurricane hit Miami most likely means it's not doing anything more than raining in Tallahassee. People forget that Florida, for instance, is over a 1000 miles long north-south. That's about as long as it takes to get from the Midwest to the Florida state line - looong. I don't even know how long California is.

  • is p-ro's people ok? crescent city is right close to humboldt.

    which reminds me, i was watching some movie or something and they kept saying "dont borgnine the doobie". i would tell you which movie it was but i too was "borgnining the doobie" and forgot...

  • Are there _ever_ tsunamis in the US?

    Only recorded tsunami to hit US West coast was in Crescent City in 1964 - killing 11 people.
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