full movies on youtube

AserAser 2,351 Posts
edited April 2007 in Strut Central
anybody have anything interesting to watch? Full complete movies upped on youtube.I'll start w/ SPL, a good hk action flick. Excellent fight choreography by Donnie Yen. It's broken into 10 parts.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYjrCBEJygY


  • SyminSymin 999 Posts
    has anyone else noticed that this site seems to be on the outs lately?
    most of that site is not working for me.

  • all of those tv show/movie sites keep having their links pulled by dailymotion or whoevers hosting... seems like they've really been cracking down lately. ever since the new sopranos season started, no sites have been able to keep a recent sopranos episode up for even a full day.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    anybody have anything interesting to watch? Full complete movies upped on youtube.

    I'll start w/ SPL, a good hk action flick. Excellent fight choreography by Donnie Yen. It's broken into 10 parts.


    SPL is a fun movie. Donnie & Sammo kick ass.

  • rogbrogb 172 Posts

    little known movie featuring a classic soundtrack by the Bee Gees.

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