reggae ?? la Keith Hudson recommendation

Hi There,I'm reeeeeally feeling this Keith Hudson album. Any of the strutters got some more recommendations for some 'dark/ deep/ psychedelic/ eerie' reggae in the same vein? There are so many mediocre releases in reggae and all it's subgenres (even more so than in other genres I think)that it's really time-consuming wading through them to find that sound or album that really grabs you (allthough I gotta admit my knowledge is not that big on the subject)..Are there any more brilliant pieces like this that I'm unaware of?

the first african head charge lp
blackboard jungle dub-scratch
slum in dub-gregory
wackies -african roots vol 1
most of augustus pablo's earlier work is considered"eastern and mystical"
The thing with reggae is alot of times it's about the producers, I always liked Glen Brown as a producer too so look for his stuff it's kinda "off" the way hudsons stuff can be.
I'll ride all day for Sir collin's musical wheel chapter one, in the vein of weirdo, dark and wild reggae stuff but it's a real collectro piece- get it if you can style.
And maybe your already down, but Lee perry did alot more work than what people consider his classic stuff, I just got a copy of Seke Molenga's from the heart of the congo (not to be confused with the congoes record) and it's deep, deep, deep. Nigerians lost in Jamaica making a record by coicidence at Black Ark, with a Robert Palmer (yeah that Robert Palmer) track tacked on at the end (recorded by scratch as well)
Keith Hudson productions.
Standouts for me are Satan Side, Spanish Amigo and I'm Alright.
All in all a fine example of this great mans offerings.
I will check them all out..
easily one of my favourite records, i think it's being repressed again for the second time round.
this is also very very nice
swamp dub.
not quite the same but might do it for you is wayne jarrett - bubble up.
second playing it cool.
lee perry 12s.
Just picked up that Playing it Cool. So good. I was just going to post on Lee Perry Presents African Roots. Great mixture of reggae w/ real african textures.
"...the time you take to check me, check yourself..."
Get familiar.
I'll post some 7"'s to look out for.
Mikey Dread gets pretty freaky with it too.
I only heard that song sampeled on Encore, is must his stuff other similar? Seeing how it's a instrumental track and all..
A Love I Can Feel
(can't seem to get an image to work, it's him sitting on some rocks)
Up Park Camp
John Holt is a singer.
Yeah I know that, thats why i asked. The track i mentioned, it has no singing and is more of a comtemporary jazz joint than a reggae joint.. I was wondering if this was the only one, or one of very few or what..
(unless Encore has samples of more than one song and i got the wrong one?? ..doubt it, but if so...
Anyway, been meaning to check Holt out for a minute, so thanks for the recomandations.
That's a killer.
I also really dig John Holt-Holt on the Jaguar label.
It's got the original version (as far as I know) of "Got To Get Away",
which is my favorite tune of his.
Ali Baba is an all-time reggae classic by Holt also.
Be careful though, Holt had some albums that straight up suck.
Co-sign on a love I can feel, and Holt like a bolt. His version of "rain from the skies" is gold.
He also has a killer version of "you'll never find another love like mine" on a similarly titled album, that is super hard and waaaay better than the og.
and 45
it's a cover of the beatles "i will"
Yes!!!!! I am familiar with that
One of my favorites and I can recommend it to anyone who hasn't got it yet..
Concerning Holt, I heard some people praise '1000 volts of Holt' but haven't checked it yet, so I don't really know if it's good. Lots of covers on it I think.
He's a pretty 'classic' artist, so you can easily check out his different albums through online shops that provide soundsnippets..
Recently acquired this. One of numerous treasure isle releases.
All of these are hard as f*%k!
Many are double siders (as opposed to A side vocal B side version), SWEET!
Do your self a favor and track them down.
PS-The huge pictures are in memory of the poster Soufriere used to be.
Stay off them cracks people!
Strictly keep the "Studio Kinda Cloudy as I would Say"....