Microwave Dudes: Playlist or Crates

Yo, so I'm been microwaving popcorn for the last 6 months or so. I do all my track naming/sorting/etc. in iTunes, because in addition to letting me edit multiple items at once, iTunes seems to embed the info in the file better than Microwave.what this means though is that in se-rato my files are organized as playlists and not crates, so I can't drag and drop files w/in s.erato, which is sometimes frustrating. What I like about doing it this way though is that I can just put the library on lock and not worry about fucking something up when I'm DJing. Anyone ever lost a crate? General pro's/cons of one way vs. the other?
never lost info, but I do find that some of the song info doesn't get imported to SSL - but it's restricted to the year of the track, which as a completionist I find annoying because I like to have that info handy if someone asks me what song is playing so I can say 'Oh, this is George Benson from 1978". But that's picking some nits right there.
But also, whenever I've played a pretty good set or something I'll drag that to create a crate.
co-sign, I had about 4 of these crates and combined them for a super-duty tough crate. Plus I got special crates for shows that I do with my dance company, and for my partner who just brings his iPod to use with the box.
you dont have to run itunes and s.erato at the same time... microwave reads off the .xml index file and the database file itunes creates
this is true. but for other practical reasons I don't use iTunes, is because I got more music than my HD on my laptop can hold, and I'd rather not have two different itunes libraries on two different hard drives. plus, I can put a song in multiple crates (i.e. "This Is Why I'm Hot" in hip hop, new shit, and commerical crates)