I'm Calling it Quits



  • scurlscurl 75 Posts
    Believe it or not, I've never smoked pot before. Weird, huh? No real reason either. I guess I made a decision a long time ago not to and somehow stuck to it. Now it's just on principle that I don't. Not gonna start at 27!

    My exact same logic for not getting tattoos at this point, BUT WEED?!?!?!?!

    Especially for someone who smokes other and more dangerous substances.....

    N-E Wayz, nearly 2 years ago I quit for about 6 mos. before entering a high stress period. Mid pack I decided to stop cold turkey and having those 10 or so cigs laying around in the crushed box that I sat on(a characteristic of my packs) really helped me.

    Maybe a personal thing, but I can go about a day without a smoke if I have just one left, like if I'm posted for the evening and don't plan on leaving the house for the rest of the night. But the minute it's gone I freak the fuck out and need to instantly go to the store to re-up.

    I'm sure this is some sort of textbook behavior pattern that someone will call me out on.

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    Believe it or not, I've never smoked pot before. Weird, huh? No real reason either. I guess I made a decision a long time ago not to and somehow stuck to it. Now it's just on principle that I don't. Not gonna start at 27!

    That's crazy man, though it's probably a real good decision. I've never touched a cigarette, but was friends with Mary Jane way before I met Jack Daniels, Captain Morgan, etc.

    And you will gain weight in those first few weeks of working out intenesely. It's your body adjusting to the extra work, and muscle weighs more than fat. As long as you keep up running/any cardio stuff it will drop over time.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts

    I'm craving a cigarette after reading this thread.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts

    - Find a girl who hates smoking.

    good advice. for real.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    yeah I have been trying not to smoke the last month or so. doctor's orders after a bad throat infection. during the week it's been surprisingly OK, but on the weekends I've had a couple.

    I never quit drinking, in fact every time I wanted a cigarette often I would sub a beer or a candy bar (or both), murdered my waistline but I'm clean from the cancer.

    what Jonny is saying here is real. I've been just trying to stay in the bar and have another when the homies go out to smoke. but it's also the fact that when I get REALLY drunk I sort of forget the smoking urge. the result is I've been getting REALLY drunk the last couple wknds. not sure that's the healthiest way to quit, but whatever...

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    how much did you smoke a day? when i was 19 (i'm 27 now) and lived in a smokers house, i think i smoked up to a pack a day. pretty gross. i quit cold turkey about 2 years later and was good for just 4 months and started up again, but not nearly as heavy.

    in the last year or so i just started cutting down, making little rules for myself gradually month to month like no smoking during work hours, or only smoking one after a meal, etc. just setting new restrictions every month. now i can make a pack last about a month and a half. i really don't crave it unless i am really drunk and in some kind of bar or club setting. it's weird. if i am drunk during dinner at a friends place or something, i don't crave a cigarette even if they are smoking right in front of me. it's only really when i go out. i don't know why

    good luck ivan! different methods work differently for people. just experiment and find something you like whether it be gum, cold turkey, patch or in my case gradual conditioning

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,473 Posts
    how much did you smoke a day? when i was 19 (i'm 27 now) and lived in a smokers house, i think i smoked up to a pack a day. pretty gross. i quit cold turkey about 2 years later and was good for just 4 months and started up again, but not nearly as heavy.

    Yeah, I followed pretty much the same formula--I straight-up quit for a good year or so, then slowly started smoking again, justifying it to myself with, "Well, I don't actually buy cigarettes, I just bum them when I want one" (as Ferrari, P.Ro, and various other Bay Area folks can attest). Hardly a justification.

    Honestly, it wasn't that hard for me to quit when I actually did--I was never a very heavy smoker, and I don't think I ever even hit pack-a-day status. The social aspect was much more difficult to break than the physical addiction aspect. The thing is, once I relapsed and started bumming smokes, it made it that much harder to just plain stop smoking completely like I had before. I would say I probably smoke about 5-10 cigarettes a month nowadays, depending on how often I go out. Not terrible, but smoking zero cigarettes a month would be better.

  • FrankFrank 2,372 Posts
    I used to only smoke on weekend nights but then a pack or two per night.
    Now I'm in Africa where a pack of cigarettes costs around 50 cents ezveryday feels like weekend and I smoke like one of the local black market gas fueled motor scooters. Every fucking day of the week, starting right after breakfast. It doesn't help that this stuff seems to be 10 times more toxic than anything I smoked before. If you get a bad pack, it feels like standing in the middle of a forest fire. I guess I'll die of lung cancer even before my rhum damaged liver will give up on me. I never tried to quit because I don't like to fail.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    I used to only smoke on weekend nights but then a pack or two per night.
    Now I'm in Africa where a pack of cigarettes costs around 50 cents ezveryday feels like weekend and I smoke like one of the local black market gas fueled motor scooters. Every fucking day of the week, starting right after breakfast. It doesn't help that this stuff seems to be 10 times more toxic than anything I smoked before. If you get a bad pack, it feels like standing in the middle of a forest fire. I guess I'll die of lung cancer even before my rhum damaged liver will give up on me. I never tried to quit because I don't like to fail.

    real talk RE: smoking in the third world.

    with the smokes being so cheap, and everyone doing it with no stigma attached, it just "feels right" in a way that it doesn't back home.

    very dangerous.

  • brothasbrothas 22 Posts

    I caught pneumonia after smoking Cloves for an entire weekend. But, for about 4 days after I showed the symptoms, I ignored it....chalked it up a a common cold and treated it with Theraflu. Serious. By day 4, I could hear the fluid every time I inhaled. laying down on my side was like damn near drowning! Went to to the doctor, cost me like 4 grand in cash, and about 2 months, but it stopped me from ever smoking again.

    CLOVES ARE FROM HELL. If you smoke them, you're fucked...serious..

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    I'm like 4 days into it now. It helps to jumpstart your quitting when you get sick and have chronic coughing. And the coughing sounds bad, like really bad.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts

    YES. And so are Menthols, Pooka, Vanilla-flavored camels, whateverx2.
    I get chronic coughing even if I smoke one of those.

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts

    guess which is the smoker's lung.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts

    guess which is the smoker's lung.

    well they both look pretty fucking disgusting.....so fuck it! I'm about to have a cig!

  • scurlscurl 75 Posts

    guess which is the smoker's lung.

    well they both look pretty fucking disgusting.....so fuck it! I'm about to have a cig!

    Yeah, it's like pick your poison: spoiled meat or spoiled cheese.

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts

    guess which is the smoker's lung.

    well they both look pretty fucking disgusting.....so fuck it! I'm about to have a cig!

    Yeah, it's like pick your poison: spoiled meat or spoiled cheese.
    In the interest of saying my opinion with an "I" statement: I feel that both of you are retarded. One is healthy tissue and one is riddled with tar and chemicals. One is what things should look like inside of you and one isn't.

    Alright, I'll stoop and get a more relatable metaphor.
    Healthy lung:

    Unhealthy Lung:

  • Options
    I strongly recommend acupuncture. It takes 6-10 treatments, but it's worked for some people I know who've smoked for longer than you've been alive.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    i started fuckin with squares when i was about thirteen. it was so cool getting lightheaded and shit. and smokin a menthol cig after gettin high was wooooooweeeeee.
    but at ninteen i had had enough. i went to the doctor and git a prescription to Zyban, which weened me off cigarettes in a couple weeks. there was only one time i almost relapsed back a couple years ago. i had no job, no money, no pot, no nothing. i started rollin my own cigs, but luckily it didnt stick. i got work, could buy herb. i still occasionally will have a cigarette when im out at a bar or party, but i never ever get cravings.

  • vajdaijvajdaij 447 Posts
    You could always take up dip...
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