Bitch-ass motherf#%kers

So I was back in my hometown DJing... My friend Tania manages a lounge-resturant and thought it could use a weekend with some flavor. I was spining mostly eighties joints to get the ball rolling.. then a little Gap band, and some other shit... This dude rolls up to me looking like a piece of shit in a sports coat and cowboy boats.. he had to push his way through three ladies dancing to get to me, then leans over the tables and looks me dead in the face.... "Can you play some white music?!"
He said it with a straight face trying to look hard .. like I would back down and say yessir... I looked him right back in the eyes and said "I don't even know what that is.. I guess all I have is black music.. but you can get on the mic and ask anyone here if they have any white music... NO? didn't think so.. you can leave to.." I told my brother to get dude out and I think some one poured a drink on him when he was leaving... What a fucking prick... It pains me.. it really pains me that people like that exist, why do they get to breath the same air as me?

My boy Chris was djing LAX when this huge black guy that worked there came up to him and asked if he could stop playing hip-hop and cater to the white audience...WTF?!?
damn man your boy got a gig DJing the airport?
I almost kicked the glass out of the door that night because they fronted on paying me, but that's a whole other story.
Location, location, location...
hehe - it's DJ AM's club in HWood
really. Thats fucking good.
and now for Australian: "Noiy blaak hep horp"
Kiwi: "No-uw blak huphop"
And yeah: fuck that dude. nice comeback too.
Play the first 30 seconds of "The Friendly Ranger At Clontarf Castle" off the first Lizzy LP and fade it in to some Rufus Thomas......just for the meatheads.
I've had it in NY too.
I used to spin at this spot in williamsburg where I always carried Venom's At War with Satn for the very occasion.
Did he request a retrospective megamix of Father MC?
thats not a bad call. you really couldn't find anything in your microwave for him? Some Rolling Stones? Beastie Boys?
what do they play at LAX then if dude asked to stop playing hiphop? was your boy playing some backpacker shit or was he playing some jim jones BALLIN!
i figured LAX to be one of those all types of music spots
I don't think I could give into that request... I did play some Hall and Oates... but fuck him.. maybe if he came up with "please play this group" or something.. but he had to take it there.. so fuck him..
anyway.. What up B.. How things going in producing world? I haven't seen you since New Years
strictly mash ups
no - he wouldn't play backpacker shit out. He was playing some quality well known rap.
They only want obvious rock, mash-ups or Spankrock/MIA.
best, actually worst lines from the racist owner:
"i'm not racist, but there are two black guys dancing, next thing you know there will be twenty of them in here"
"man it's really dark in here"
"i wish they would close the door so those monkeys couldn't get in" response: "those monkeys are *****'s ( a very large black bouncer who worked at the club) relatives here for a birthday party, maybe you should go ask him to get his monkey relatives out of here?
my favorite: when you get a bunch of coloreds in here..i stopped him short and said: yo it's 2007, i know you just didn't say coloreds whitey.
all this after they knew what kind of music i played when i was hired, made them MAD loot, and they opened a bar in a 70% black town.
true indeed.
haha, when i told the aforementioned owner that everybody, black or white, wants to hear some hip hop, he said "i know everybody likes it, but only half of those people will stab you, and that's who we are trying to get rid of"
ok word. on some hipster shit. thats wack.