70 year old kills 20 year old mugger

U.S. senior tourists break mugger???s neckCosta Rica man pulled gun on Americans in Caribbean port, police sayThe Associated PressUpdated: 7:02 p.m. ET Feb 22, 2007SAN JOSE, Costa Rica - A tour group of U.S. senior citizens fought off a group of muggers in Costa Rica, killing one of the assailants, police said Thursday.The tourists??? bus was held up by three men armed with a gun and knife in the Caribbean coastal town of Limon after the group arrived on a cruise ship Wednesday, said Limon police chief Luis Hernandez.Hernandez said a retired U.S. serviceman whom officials estimated was in his 70s put one of the attackers ??? aged 20 ??? in a headlock and broke his clavicle.After the other two assailants fled, the tourists drove the injured man to the local Red Cross branch where he was declared dead.Authorities said they did not plan to file charges against the tourists, who left on their cruise ship after the incident. Hernandez declined to give their names or hometowns.???They were in their right to defend themselves after being held up,??? he said.

Exactly what I was thinking.
But we may just be
I think the moral here is not to try to mug 70 year old ex-military dudes.
B.Cause stays strapped!
At least their clavicles are.
I was thinking the same. The only think I can come up with is either the clavicle somehow severed the assailant's carotid artery or jugular vein, or severed/severely damaged the neck spinal cord area by jabbing into it.
Probably, but I know there's some oldheadz that are
And dumb as f*ck too apparently...
For all of those who wanna profile and pose
Rock you in your face, stab your spine with your clavicle.
I was also[/b] thinking of that line, (eerie) but in context of Mike Tyson gleefully saying he hoped he did that to whatever opponent it was he was boxing at the time.
Seems that the mugger got the....