my new album: FREE for you! (but act now)

karlophonekarlophone 1,697 Posts
edited February 2007 in Announcements
EDIT: the 20 free ones are taken! PMs will go out to those who got em, later tonight. ***note: i still need the addresses of most of the "reserved" people on the list below...-----------------------Hey now - after some delay Ive finally got my hands on my new album - i say album because i had both cd's and a small run of LPs made!who wants one? Im giving away a gang of these to strutters for free, before its on sale from cdbaby. Why? Because you guys are cool. ok, so first of all, the following strutters get one for sure - just PM me a mailing address and specify cd or LP (note the LP has one less track, but cmon, its an LP!) (and if you dont want it for whatever reason, just dont PM. but ill save your copy for a long minute in case youre out of town or whatever)raj (you get a cd and an LP)djannaakohcrinkaleitage (already got his!)jonny paycheckpcmrMOkefatbackmylatencyphill mostdCastillodrewndayDanno3000faux rillsdizzy bullGuzzomowtown67missbassieMs DamntripledoubleyoungEINSTEIN...and beyond the above list[/b], the first 20 strutters who PM their address to me also get it for free! specify CD or return i only ask that if it does anything for you, let me know what you think of it (good or bad).when i got enough adresses ill edit this so ya'lls know the jig is up.thanks!


  • ageage 1,131 Posts
    Hey Karl:

    Thanks again for this lp.Only 150 copies of the vinyl people.I actually really enjoyed this LP.

    You should most def(soulstruters)Pick up this while it's free!

    Much peace and respect:

    Looking forward to hearing the track that was not on the lp:)
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