groups that converted to some unusual religion

pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts
edited July 2016 in Music Talk
I was listening to John McLaughlin and Carlos Santanas and i got to thinking about groups that started getting real into some more off kilter religions. Zepplein is another that dabbled in some weirdness.and of course Sun Ra and The Arkestra is on some spaceman moon unit sytlee.


  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    I got this via email. It has to be a hoax though a rather strange one at that:

    > >I'm Dr. James T. Smith, Associate Lecturer in the Hip Hop Studies
    > >Department at Brigham Young College in Logan, UT.
    > >
    > >
    > >The Hip Hop Studies department was founded at Brigham Young College
    > >in 1997 with a hefty grant from the Universal Zulu Nation and the
    > >estate of the late Darren "Buffy, the Human Beat Box" Robinson.
    > >
    > >The goal of the Hip Hop Studies Department at BYC is to bring Hip
    > >Hop Scholarship to northern Utah in a safe, morally appropriate,
    > >family-friendly way.
    > >
    > >If you are interested in what we do here in Logan (we like to say
    > >"the hip hop capital of Utah AND Idaho") check out our newly updated
    > >blog:
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >Cordially,
    > >Dr. James T. Smith

  • Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    Father Yod!!! Heavy!

  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts
    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    Father Yod!!! Heavy!
    I heard he died in a handgliding accident, and the other cult members brought his body back to the compound. They tried to bring him back to life, but then abandoned the body and cult when it started to smell too bad.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    Father Yod!!! Heavy!


    James E. Baker, better known as Father Yod, was an ex-Marine WWII vet and wannabe Hollywood stuntman when he fell in with a group called the "Nature Boys", who maintained a vegetarian diet and lived according to Nature's laws. He studied Vedantic theology and became a follower of Yogi Bajan, a teacher of Kundalini Yoga who had followed a number of other spiritual teachers from India to Los Angeles in the late sixties. Baker became disenchanted with Bajan when the Yogi declared that he was not god. Baker took the title himself, changing his name to Father Yod. In 1969 he founded the Source Restaurant, in the Laurel Canyon section of Los Angeles. It became both a profitable health food restaurant and recruitment center for his growing cult of lost and wayward youths.

    The Source Family espoused a philosophy that included kindness to animals, raw vegetarian diet, cotton clothing, and sex sans orgasm[/b].

    What a jip

    Over one hundred lived in a 3-bedroom house in Nichols Canyon, where sleeping arrangements involved a beehive-like complex of cubbyholes. During this period the group would record long psychedelic jams and press records to be sold at the restaurant. These records, such as The Savage Sons of Yahowha, To The Principles For The Children, and Penetration: An Aquarian Symphony are highly sought after by a certain kind of collector.

    In 1974, a newborn in the group developed a staphylococcus infection. Upon their arrival at UCLA Medical Center, doctors immediately notified police of suspected child endangerment. Father Yod felt this was an appropriate time to relocate the entire family to Kauai, Hawaii, though his term there was unfortunately short. One of the group was participating in a hang-gliding contest on the island of Oahu. Yod too wanted to try it out. His first and last flight on the morning of August 25th, 1975 ended with him breaking his back after crashing onto a rocky beach. Followers carried Yod back to the house but prayer and meditation still found him dead later that day. They kept his body for three and a half days chanting Yod He Vau He.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    and of course Sun Ra and The Arkestra is on some spaceman moon unit sytlee.

    Sun-Ra's was self created.

    Q-Tip to Islam.....

  • bthavbthav 1,538 Posts
    there any scientology infested music?

    i need me some booty-shorties-in-sailor-suits-ala-big-pimpin-yacht 'n' schitt.

  • The Osmonds
    Tim Maia
    Cat Stevens
    Jeremy Spencer
    Mike and Kathy Deasy
    Cornelius Brothers and Sister Rose

    All of the above got caught up in the trappings of one "awareness" organization or another.
    There's plenty more.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    there any scientology infested music?

    Present Day Issac Hayes music.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    The Osmonds

    All of the above got caught up in the trappings of one "awareness" organization or another.
    There's plenty more.

    How did the Osmonds turn up the Mormon-meter?

  • pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts


  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    madonna and that red dot thing kaballa or sumthin

    any other beleivers in this

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    there any scientology infested music?

    i need me some booty-shorties-in-sailor-suits-ala-big-pimpin-yacht 'n' schitt.

    Amanda Ambrose (Artifacts samples raer)
    Diana Hubbard (daughter of L. Ron)
    Chick Corea
    Stanley Clarke
    More, add on peoples!

  • Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    Father Yod!!! Heavy!
    I heard he died in a handgliding accident, and the other cult members brought his body back to the compound. They tried to bring him back to life, but then abandoned the body and cult when it started to smell too bad.

    The Hand Gliding FAQ

    Q: Is Hand Gliding safe?

    A: Like all sports, there is an element of risk involved. But through proper education and training, those risks can be minimized.

    Q: Who can Hand Glide? Do I have to be strong/thin/smart?

    A: Anyone with at least one hand can participate. Long graceful fingers are considered to give the best flight efficiency, but even those who have lost all their fingers can continue to hand glide. Or at least palm glide.

    Q: What type of car works best for Hand Gliding?

    A: For individual hand gliding, try to get your hands on a fast convertable. But if you have a few dozen kids, a schoolbus works best.

    Q: I've been hand gliding for a while now, but I still don't have good control. I have to use my arm muscles to keep from whacking into the window frame. What can I do?

    A: The shape of the hand is very important in determining its aerodynamic properties. If properly shaped, the flying hand can smoothly and effortlessly lift and steer your arm. The key is a good airfoil shape. Wortman type airfoils are very efficient, but require extrordinarily precise finger positioning. The hand shown above is using simpler and more forgiving finger positioning. The leading edge (thumb side) is sharply curled, while the remaining fingers are straighter and tightly pressed together. Slotted airfoils are beyond the beginner's grasp. At speeds of 50-60 mph, the hand should be extended out the window. The angle of attack can be rotated so that the lift forces acting on the hand just balance the weight of the arm. Now relax and enjoy the journey.

    Q: As I slow the car, my hand suddenly drops against the door frame, leaving a painful bruise on my forearm...

    A: This is called a "whack". a properly timed "flair" can prevent this painful and embarrassing condition. As the car slows, the hand should be flown down towards the lower part of the window frame, and levelled off at about 2". The pitch angle must be steadily increased as the car slows. At the first sign of buffeting, the hand can be deeply cupped to increase the lift and drag temporarily. The hand should then lightly settle to the door frame.

    Q: Are there competitions for Hand Gliders?

    A: Yes. There are two popular kinds of competition in hand gliding, Cross Country or "XC", and Chicken. Cross Country meets are just what they sound like. The idea is to cross the country as quickly as possible. In countries like the USA, this is a high speed endurance contest. In Lichtenstein, precise, rapid manuevering over short distances are favored.

    Q: What about Chicken?

    A: Briefly favored in drag racing circles, Chicken requires two players who start at opposite ends of a long road, and fly towards one another at high speeds. The first one to flinch, or steer away from the impending collision is called the "Chicken".

  • there any scientology infested music?

    The Incredible String Band got completely lost in it, circa '67-'74 or thereabouts.

  • scurlscurl 75 Posts
    sex sans orgasm[/b].

    Doubt it was actually without orgasm. More likely that multi-orgasmic buddhist shit where you don't skeet, skeet, skeet, skeet.

  • Prince became a Jehova's witness.

  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    Did Sky Saxon get involved with Yod's cult or just some other crazy schitt?

    And wasn't Larry Graham doing the door-to-door Jehovah's thing w/Prince??

  • P002 - Shalom

  • PunditPundit 438 Posts

    Father Yod!!! Heavy!

    These records, such as The Savage Sons of Yahowha, To The Principles For The Children, and Penetration: An Aquarian Symphony are highly sought after by a certain kind of collector.


  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    Not a group but Leon Patillo.

  • Wanya Morris & Shawn Stockman of Boyz II Men became Israelites.
    Billy Ocean became involved with the 12 Tribes of Israel.
    Jaz-O was involved with the Nuwabians(he even moved to their compound in Georgia).

  • Yeah, a bunch of rap dudes got really caught up in the Nuwabian thing. I think Posdanous from De La, Prodigy, MF Doom (who might have lived in the compound for a minute), and Jersey underground rap guys Scienzes of Life who moved down there as a group. Malachi York's son is also somehow involved in Big Cat records which put out Gucci Mane and Maceo albums. Let us not forget Wesley Snipes either, who helped build that damn compound and from what I understand decided not to pay taxes out of his belief that the Nuwabian compound was a sovereign state...

    Nuwaubian Commune Awaits Spaceship, Puzzles Locals In Rural
    Putnam County

    By Patricia J. Mays,
    The Associated Press

    Eatonton, Ga. -- A huge white pylon with paintings of Egyptian
    pharaohs juts out of the red clay of middle Georgia, conspicuous
    among the miles of pines, dairy farms and mobile homes.

    Within the gated commune behind the pylon, members of the United
    Nuwaubian Nation of Moors hustle around replicas of Egyptian
    pyramids and a Sphinx. The group's leader claims he's a being
    from another galaxy and promises that ships are going to descend
    from the sky in the year 2003 to pick up a chosen 144,000 people
    for a rebirth.

    Until then, this 476-acre rural Putnam County site will remain
    what the Nuwaubians refer to as the "Little Egypt of the West,"
    their safe-haven away from the problems that plague the outside

    The commune, which is guarded around the clock by an armed
    security officer, is just down the road from Eatonton -- the
    birthplace of storyteller Joel Chandler Harris, creator of Uncle
    Remus, and Alice Walker, author of "The Color Purple."

    Some residents of the community, known as Georgia's dairy
    capital, say the Nuwaubians worry them, but most are just
    puzzled by their neighbors.

    "We've never seen anything like it before, so naturally you're a
    little apprehensive," said Doris Larman, 70, whose family owns a
    151-acre dairy farm nearby. "It's really strange for this part
    of the country."

    Mrs. Larman's husband, William, shakes his head, rears back in
    his rocking chair and lets out a big laugh. "I've seen the
    spaceship," he says jokingly.

    The Nuwaubians abhor when people call the group a cult or refer
    to their community as a compound, terms that come easily to many
    residents of this farming community about 40 miles northeast of
    Macon. The group prefers to be called a fraternal organization.

    "We're one big family to everyone that wants to be part of our
    family, that wants to get away from the drugs and wants to get
    away from the children being shot. We want to get away from all
    that and create a safe environment," said Thomas Chism, a
    Seventh Day Adventist and 52-year-old electrician who lives on
    the commune with his wife and three young children.

    The Nuwaubians came to Putnam County from New York in 1993, when
    their leader, Malachi York, purchased a game ranch. Calling
    themselves the "true Native Americans," the members claim to be
    the descendants of Egyptians who "came over here thousands of
    years ago as the original Nuwbuns."

    Their members are said to be comprised of all races and faiths,
    and most of them believe in UFOs.

    According to the group's Internet site, the rebirth will allow
    them to become supreme beings.

    "It is so absurd," said Putnam County Sheriff Howard Sills. "You
    have a man that preaches he's God and a spaceship's coming. ...
    In my opinion, their only purpose is to perpetuate the wealth,
    well-being and prosperity of one Dwight York."

    Dwight York is the name on the deed of the property, but York
    says his true name is Malachi. He bills himself as an
    entrepreneur, musician, writer and former pastor.

    Inside the complex, Nile River Road stretches between two rows
    of statutes of Egyptian royalty. Dominating the site are two
    pyramids that stand about 30 feet tall, visible from the
    two-lane road that winds past.

    A gold pyramid serves as a mini-mall, complete with a bookstore
    and apparel store. A four-column brown pylon marks the beginning
    of a winding labyrinth that leads to the entryway of the black
    pyramid, which serves as a church. Inside, an Egyptian-like
    chant hums over speakers 24 hours a day. The floors are covered
    with sand.

    The group's lodge, an elaborately painted white building trimmed
    in gold, doubles as a museum that houses artifacts ranging from
    busts of King Tut and Queen Nefertiti to a glass tomb holding an
    alien-like creature with a huge head and bulging eyes. A white
    obelisk, gold lamp posts, and stone animals make up a small
    African-like garden outside.

    Dale Sparks, 48, who owns a convenience store down the street,
    believes the group's behavior is reminiscent to Heaven's Gate,
    whose 39 members committed mass suicide in 1997 in Rancho Santa
    Fe, Calif.

    "I think it's a cult. Anybody that thinks a spaceship's coming
    down and get 'em in 2003 can't be anything else," Ms. Sparks

    Members say they pay no dues and are free to come and go as they
    please. And they insist that suicide is not in their plans.

    "We don't believe in suicide or anything that's harmful to
    humanity," said Wendell Hardaway, 32.

    About 100 Nuwaubians live in single-wide mobile homes neatly
    aligned in a row behind the Egyptian-like architecture. They've
    had minor run-ins with local law enforcement mostly stemming
    from zoning violations.

    The sect's grounds supervisor was fined $45,750 for operating a
    dance club in an area zoned as agricultural.

    "If they get ready to build a building they just build it. They
    don't get a permit," Sills said.

    Now, the group is hoping to have part of the site designated as
    commercial so they can open up a theme park.

    Besides zoning issues, there have been relatively few problems
    with the group, Sills said. Still, they make him uneasy.

    "Now you tell me what a piece of property with armed guards at
    the gate, with an individual who proclaims to be God in the
    flesh who openly proclaims that a spaceship will be arriving to
    take 144,000 people away to the planet Rizq is. I ask you, is
    that not a cult?" he said.

    Chism acknowledges his own skepticism about the prospects of a
    spaceship coming to pick them up, but he's ready just in case.

    "If it doesn't come, I'll still be here," he said. "If it comes,
    I hope it takes me. I'd like to get out of here, see what's up."

    Incredible slide show of "New Egypt". It's sad that this shit was demolished without better documentation.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Malachi York's son is also somehow involved in Big Cat records which put out Gucci Mane and Maceo albums. Let us not forget Wesley Snipes either, who helped build that damn compound and from what I understand decided not to pay taxes out of his belief that the Nuwabian compound was a sovereign state...

    I had no idea that the York family was involved in Big Cat--that's really interesting.

    I'm not sure about the Snipes affilliation, though. He definitely had his own weirdo compound practically next store to the Tama-Re compound, where he was planning to open a school for bodyguards ("The Royal Guard of Amen-Ra"), and the Nuwaubians always did whatever they could to promote a perception of affilliation with him, but he's consistently denied it.

  • Malachi York's son is also somehow involved in Big Cat records which put out Gucci Mane and Maceo albums. Let us not forget Wesley Snipes either, who helped build that damn compound and from what I understand decided not to pay taxes out of his belief that the Nuwabian compound was a sovereign state...

    I had no idea that the York family was involved in Big Cat--that's really interesting.

    I'm not sure about the Snipes affilliation, though. He definitely had his own weirdo compound practically next store to the Tama-Re compound, where he was planning to open a school for bodyguards ("The Royal Guard of Amen-Ra"), and the Nuwaubians always did whatever they could to promote a perception of affilliation with him, but he's consistently denied it.

    I just find it hard to believe that it's a coincidence that he decided to open his pseudo-Egyptian compound right next to THEIR pseudo-Egyptian compound with no affiliation. I swear I also saw him out at the club once with a Nuwabian chain on. Who knows though...

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Wasnt Doug E. Fresh associated w/ the 12 Tribes back in the day? And w/ MC Hammer later on?

  • Options

    Ray tried to convert so many of my friends I lost count. He actually swung one kid into the fold, dude went and lived with them for a long time. When he's not trying to convert you he's an alright guy.

    I had a Shelter sticker on the spoiler of my GMC Jimmy in '94. Drove around ripping 3 foot bong hits drunk as hell fingerbanging this half naked Puerto Rican girl while advertising a Hare Krishna band. 19 was a good age.

  • Wasnt Doug E. Fresh associated w/ the 12 Tribes back in the day? And w/ MC Hammer later on?

    Doug E. has since switched up to Scientology!

  • I had a Shelter sticker on the spoiler of my GMC Jimmy in '94. Drove around ripping 3 foot bong hits drunk as hell fingerbanging this half naked Puerto Rican girl while advertising a Hare Krishna band. 19 was a good age.

    If only this fit as a location...

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Malachi York's son is also somehow involved in Big Cat records which put out Gucci Mane and Maceo albums. Let us not forget Wesley Snipes either, who helped build that damn compound and from what I understand decided not to pay taxes out of his belief that the Nuwabian compound was a sovereign state...

    I had no idea that the York family was involved in Big Cat--that's really interesting.

    I'm not sure about the Snipes affilliation, though. He definitely had his own weirdo compound practically next store to the Tama-Re compound, where he was planning to open a school for bodyguards ("The Royal Guard of Amen-Ra"), and the Nuwaubians always did whatever they could to promote a perception of affilliation with him, but he's consistently denied it.

    I just find it hard to believe that it's a coincidence that he decided to open his pseudo-Egyptian compound right next to THEIR pseudo-Egyptian compound with no affiliation. I swear I also saw him out at the club once with a Nuwabian chain on. Who knows though...

    Naw, you're right, it would be a weird coincidence for two Egyptology obsessives to end up as neighbors like that in south Georgia, of all places.

    I suspect that they had a relationship at one point that eventually curdled, after which he tries to distance himself from them and they continued to try to use whatever fame he had for their own purposes. Or the relationship could have been between them and his brother, who I think was a lot more active in the Amen Ra project. Otherwise, if he really was down with them, but wanted to keep it on the low, you would think he could tell York to quite talking about him all the time.

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    there any scientology infested music?

    i need me some booty-shorties-in-sailor-suits-ala-big-pimpin-yacht 'n' schitt.

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