this needs a not safe for just about anywhere warning. My roommate happened to walk by as dude was saying "what what in the butt" and gave me the craziest ive seen in a while.
i'll always have a problem with heads who do sub par art in the name of money - see mickey avalon, black eyed peas, x amount of directors i know that shoot commercials.
black eyed peas, x amount of directors i know that shoot commercials.
I would say commercials these days are much higher "art" than the BEP, but fergie got some nice moves/skin, lol. Just as long as she keeps her diaper on, of course.
There's absolutely no difference between this and the average "hip" "electro" dance track that's popular now... Oh wait, this is slightly better, with stronger lyrics.
avatar=hirax/katan di pena?
what fucking search were you doing to get this may i ask??
this is a vid from my fellow milwaukeans. i thought it was pretty awful, though it seems that people are truly feeling this.
beyond bad taste, i don't think it is funny.
dog has a green screen in the site of my dad's old frameshop.
Uh oh, someone feels threatened!
i'll always have a problem with heads who do sub par art in the name of money - see mickey avalon, black eyed peas, x amount of directors i know that shoot commercials.
I would say commercials these days are much higher "art" than the BEP, but fergie got some nice moves/skin, lol. Just as long as she keeps her diaper on, of course.
could someone please post up a microwaveable mp3
hahahahaaaaa for real
that needs to be put here permanently
that shit made me crack up after a long night DJing...
And let me be the first to use it
This is some legendary shit.
Also, can I say that in the video this dudes teeth are unreal white.
I kept on expecting him to push some peroxide whitening scrubbing bubbles or somethin.
Can we get the dude to on here? That would be priceless.
But whats up with the burning cross?