New ebay "sell your item" page.

Email from ebay:
I just compared the two and it's the exact same number of steps for me to list an item. It is not "faster and easier." I'm starting to feel like a broken record, but I have to ask, why the hell does ebay keep trying to fix things that aren't broken?Update for sellers--old SYI form to be retired early May 2007Dear twoply,We're writing with an update on the new Sell Your Item (SYI) form -- the form you see when you click on the "Sell" tab at the top of the eBay home page or when you use "relist "or "sell similar" to list an item.We began presenting the new form to sellers during the listing process about six months ago. By the end of February, all sellers will have seen the new SYI form at least once when listing an item. If you are now listing all your items with the new form, nothing will change for you.As of early May 2007 the older version will no longer be available. If you're still using the older version -- or you tried the new form a while ago, but opted to go back to using the old form -- we encourage you to move to the new form now. Just click on the "Start selling with the new version of the Sell Your Item form" link at the beginning of the selling process.The new version makes it faster and easier to list your items.[/b] It also has great new features such as more fonts and colors, built-in Help, and reusable templates. For more information, please read our Helpful Links about the new SYI form at,eBay Product Management Team
That's what I get for not clicking through. I thought they were just changing the initial category selection page. Yes, that does look a lot faster and easier.
Ebay: 1, twoply: 0.