Who is Boscoe?
915 Posts
Late pass please? I am in my own world and don't peak my head out enough...
Quick! Invaders OG Check!
You've done all you can for that record. It's time for it to stand on its own two feet like any other 30 year old.
You are obviously ahead of the curve.
How much did you get, raj?? (I'm considering parting with mine - hell I could get a load of killer albums for zee price of one boscoe)
this is my favorite post of all time
I haven't heard this yet!!!
But see Bosco Money rhymes just fine.
Naw, its okay to talk down on Boscoe - no need to concede
I have before stated that Boscoe is not as good as Mandrill, D4L, or even Starpoint (as Reynaldo posted above)
IMG SRC=http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/1862/boscoebannediu5.gif>
I'll take an XL, please. And a longsleeve Marvin Whoremonger in XL, as well.
IMG SRC="http://www.soulstrut.com/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cos3ve.gif" WIDTH=800>