i was fired today
2,189 Posts
and presented with a printed out post off of this very website (which i posted yesterday) using inappropriate language towards the precious company. they also printed out all the college coursework i did online and told me "the internet is our livelihood" and canned me.
I am so sorry!
There is some weird thing going down with jobs lately. I am not havin the best of luck or any of my friends!
I hope you are posting this from work while cleaning out your desk.
Seriously, sounds like you didn't like the job much anyway so use it as a chance to find something better.
yea. you think he would atleast go "listen man they dont like this" he is the only one who knows whats going on. he couldnt tell me to stop? i would of. my job wasnt rocket science. it was mostly answering phones. i am in school full time. this job was part time to make some money to pay off phone bills and shit. instead, he goes crying to the head of HR and starts printing out shit like "oooohhh im telling"
i didnt have anything of mine in the said desk. i answered phones. i left right after they fired me.
Go back to that other day saying how we were "TIRED TODAY".
Advantage: you!
P.S. Raj should send you a SS care package.
or take him down with you....
you seem awfully calm about it.
your it guy is a prick, that's a surprise.
you should have pulled a fight club...
I see people waste so much time at work it's ridiculous - and I wouldn't try to get someone fired.
Working With Your I.T. Guy
Start a relationship.[/b] You’re the business person. He’s the tech guy. Just like in any relationship, you need to define your roles and understand what your responsibilities are. You set your business course and strategy, and he focuses on all things technical to get you there.
Have Lunch.[/b] Or a breakfast meeting. Your IT guy needs to know your budget parameters. Help him understand what kind of business you are in, your issues and challenges, and what you do to stand out from your competition. Ask him how he’s helped other businesses like yours.
Be Frank.[/b] Even if your name is Peter, Jane or Ted. Only you know where your business is, and where you want it to go. Be clear about what you want technology to do for you. Help increase productivity? Give you connectivity to clients from home? Go wireless? Know what you want, then ask your IT guy to suggest solutions, not technology.
Talk Turkey.[/b] Don’t talk business jargon to him. And ask your IT guy to talk to you like you were a two year old (at least when it comes to technology) and no acronyms. That way, he can understand your issues and you can understand his recommendations.
Be Regular.[/b] Don’t wait for problems to happen. Your IT guy is smart. Pick his brains on a regular basis about what you’re doing with your business tools and could you be doing better.
Don’t be Afraid.[/b] Ask questions about things you don’t really understand. Have you read about something interesting, but don’t have a clue how to implement it? For example, think a website might be a good way to better connect with customers? Go ahead. Talk to your IT guy.
Be Open.[/b] On the other hand, ask your IT guy to come to you with ideas. He’s probably implemented lots of interesting solutions for other companies like yours. Keep an open mind (even if you’re on a budget.) You never know where new thinking might take your business.
Have a Meeting of the Minds.[/b] Give your IT guy access to your employees. Let him watch how they work, how they utilize their IT tools. Give your employees a chance to talk about how they could do things better. Get him to give you a report that you can read…and understand.
Check Under the Hood.[/b] Even if things seem good on the surface, it’s smart to have your IT guy come in for a scheduled maintenance and performance check up on your IT infrastructure.
Take his Advise.[/b] Give each other a little respect, everyone’s opinions are important. If your IT guy gets to know your business properly, keeps your budget and business goals in mind, and you follow his advise, you could have the perfect relationship that can take your business to a higher level of performance.
IMG SRC=http://www.hedonistica.com/images/2006/07/nick-burns.jpg>
Fuck if dude is trying to get me fired...
sorry to hear
wow this is good
Do it! Do it! Do it!
sayin'. They should have at least given you a warning. That's professional
at least it was not a full time gig...
It's restoring furniture - and they are pitting a chubby 5'3 girl against a guy who's at least 6'6 and looks like he spends all his spare time at the gym. Not to mention that he has had experience before on top of the 6 months he's been there.