One Year ago tomorrow

my man passed a few years ago due to some stupid shit we were involved w/ i wrote this one year ago tomorrow & felt like posting again...
Tuesday, June 08, 2004In Memory Of... a hot summer nightneighborhood buzzing w/ the sound of ice cream carts& the faint yells of "elotes"smells of asada on the grill& greens in the air"a real traffic jammer, a strong sexy hammer"the rumble of the bass & various trunk rattles fill the streets40's commin' 40's goin'good times turned sour as bad grapesin the blink of an eye life passes by"TRUCHA""more bounce to the ounce"bang, bang, bang, "so ruff so tuff, out here baby"bang, bang, bang,a typical day in the east,angels & beastsvictims of circumstancereality of the calleor beasts takin by angels, one would hopeRIP GUS gone a long time but not forgottenlado este por vida carnalito...ESX3L'sSANTANAXOCXCALLECYPRESSLOCOTES...
good lookin out man, it lives on for sure, i wont let it die...
much respect asprin
That is some strong stuff... I'm sure your man would appreciate it.
memories live.
that's great man...made me smile and wince at the truth of it all at once. I know the pain and embrace it with love.
poderoso, hermano.
rejoice that your potna has become a part of everything around us.
Rest In Peace
by "trucha" did you mean truucha[/b]?
sorry about your friend that poem was a nice tribute.
daze, on the real dawg, im glad i called you back that day i missed your call, you def understand shit & come correct, been a long time since i found a cat that relates to this kinna shit the way you do, your words are mad appreciated for real...
peace & respect
I'm bummed you're leaving LA but I'm definitely glad we met before you did.
listening: zapp - so ruff, so tuff
me too homie, me too...