HELP. Dub of Vernard Johnson LP w/ Amazing Grace

aleitaleit 1,915 Posts
edited February 2007 in Vinyl Wants / Trades
hey-posted this a few weeks back with no response. i need a copy of an LP that Vernard Johnson did. Not sure the title or anything but given that he had such a range of material and gospel sou = buzzword of the week, someone on this board must have a copy of this record. i don't even need the record. just a CD burn or even a cassette tape of it. once again, a favor for a friend down south who need this for a program she's running at her church with children. someone help me out!thanks!


  • aleitaleit 1,915 Posts
    no one here has this vernard johnson LP?
    all this takes is checking J in your gospel section and then seeing if "amazing grace" is on the record.
    oh well.
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