I ran a 1/2 marathon on sunday

And called in sick to work on monday.... that shit was hard!me and HJ did it. towards the end it was a mix of walking and running. 13.1 miles. took us almost 3 hours. OK, so we aren't the best runners, and our little medal says "finisher", but hey, at least we did it. And we ran most of it, even if it was an "airborne shuffle".so, uh, hooray for me.
dude, next year your doing Run-hit wonder here in LA then.
its a 10k race with rappers perofrming along the way, this year they had Coolio, Vanilla Ice, Tone Loc and De La Soul at the finish.
i called in sick on monday too. hooray for me!
not one in my family has any skills in the running dept., and this past year was the one I told myself was going to be the one. So i trained for it, and ran a 10km this spring. Definitely not as far as a 1/2 marathon, but that shit felt great. Of course i've gained back the weight i lost in training, so it looks like another 10km for me this year.....
Do you live out in monterrey? I went to DLI back in 94-96... I was on the run team out there (back when I was actually a good runner). Great place to go running.
Ran past clint eastwood once. it was a life changing experience.
I ran 26.2 on Thanksgiving and was broke off for about 5 days.
Did your old training come in handy?
FUCK NO! I'm 30 years old dammit!
26.2 is a bitch.
The worst is seeing these goddam Kenyans doing the 26.2, looping around and already coming back, passing us, and we haven't even hit the 1/2 point on our 13.1 yet. I was like 'shit'.
The difference being, americans don't really have to run from shit too often. Kenyans have tigers and elephants and shit to deal with, so thats cool I guess. I'd rather fight traffic and run slow.
that's cool. yeah there were a lot of military dudes runnin in the race that i figured were from the DLI. i actually live in san luis obispo.
the best part was the sam adams booth right after the finish line with unlimited beer for finishers
Last Sat: 11 miles
Sat before: 13.1 miles
sat before that: 12 miles
Sat before that: 10 miles
THIS COMING SAT: 14-16 MILES!!! ARRGHH!! It's at Golden Gate Park so come along if anyone's up for running 16 miles at 9am. The thing is, the half-marathon was MUCH easier for some reason than doing last weekend's 11 miler.
Here are my recent problems:
after the run, BIG TOENAILS feeling like they want to fall off. I don't have black toenails...yet
Also since I have boobs the whole sports bra chafing thing is a serious ugly issue. I need to get down w/the lube in the boob trick to keep things smooth.
But really, getting down with the ICE BATH immediately after those runs makes a world of difference in making me be able to walk easily and function the following day.
Anyone got some LD running tips? Blister prevention? Bloody nipple prevention? Don't front, I know men get it too...
Did my first 1/2 marathon last year, pumped to do a full in a few months.
it hurts when you take it off, but bleeding nips are... well... traumatizing.
ive been running two 5ks in intervals, every other day.
begining of week two: my left calf is nasty right now.
Listen, for my sake I'm just going to pretend that its because they are chased by lions all day... and that's an unfair advantage that I can't possibly have and its not because I'm an out of shape 30 year old smoke
To Chung:
My wife and I both used this:
(body glide)
We used it on our problem areas and it was awesome. I didn't get a single blister on my feet, no chafing or jock itch, and my wife didn't get any irritation in her normal problem spots either. Its supposed to work on nipples too. I was shocked at how well it worked. You should be able to find it at any sports/running store. ask about it!!!
If there is a specialized running store in your area then go in and talk to one of the females that work there and ask them for advice. Most of them are runners too and will know what you are talking about.
I have only heard about body glide and I will go get that before my Saturday run. THANKS4INFO. I also do need to talk to the other lady runners to get the real deal. 11, 12, 13 miles have all been PUSHIN' IT for me, and 16 might just do me in.
dizzy congrats! Maybe i should have considered doing a halfer before registering for the LA marathon in March. My friends convinced me to do it 2 weeks ago so here i am about 6 weeks away getting ready for what looks like a body traumatizing event!
Ive been running about 3 times a week, recently did 14 this past sunday. 26.2 miles just sounds ridiculous but oh well.
hey chungtech, yeah i heard that ice bath the night before the run as well as after the run will help. ALso getting deep tissue massages on your calves and quads when you feel them tighten up or are swollen. The massages help to push out that lactic acid that is accumalating so that you dont cramp up later.
i would also recommend those big square bandages for your nipples instead of the athletic tape.
good luck.
In high school there were a group of Kenyans who trained at our school. Basically they ran around our track all day. It was crazy. First thing in the morning I would see them our there running then at lunch they would still be out there running. I always had a lot of respect for that, because I know it is not something I could ever do.
For me, the best thing for feeling better day in and day out is stretching after a run. Give that cool-down some time, get in the habit of REALLY stretching (not just faking it): calves, quads, hamstrings hamstrings more hamstrings. I feel better if I run in the morning, rather than at night (I have the day to loosen back up, rather than going to bed and stiffening up -- AY YO!).
For the nipples - three things: body glide, athletic tape, NO COTTON T-SHIRTS.
Ladies, get yourself to a good specialty running store and have them fit you into a good sports bra, or you'll be tucking them into your shorts after a few years, Yao?
Yo R*ch, I'm gonna be doing the SF half marathon on Feb. 4th. Holla if you're interested. This will be my first attempt at a run like this (turning 30 in a few weeks/midlife crisis-related), although I've been doing shorter runs pretty consistently the last year or so. I'm only doing about 7 milers at this point so I've gotta add some distance the next week and a half or Feb. 4th could end tragically.
And to make my first post on the strut semi-RR, were y'all listening to anything for your runs? So far my playlist is pretty much metal and radio-rap to keep me hyped, but I'm thinking of adding something a little more soothing to get me through the last few miles.
The craziest thing is that me still not being quite able to call myself a runner...I don't listen to ANYTHING! NO MUSIC! Just the thoughts in my head floating around, meditating, thinking, idealizing, thinking about morning buns...etc. It has actually been incredibly mind-clearing and IMPROVED me as a runner to not be depending on ipod tunes.
I am definitely fearful of the 20-26 mile stretch of the marathon though...what the hell will my mind be up to????
That's were you going to have to do a serious gut check because the urge to
quit is very strong.
Oh, and you might catch an ill cramp in your hamstring like I did.
don't fear it... it sucks, regardless... but it helps to be ready for it (meaning: don't go out too fast. what feels really good at mile 10 will come up and chomp your ass at mile 22). Quitting/walking only makes it last longer. Plus, if you start walking you cramp up. You don't want to be shuffling those last six. you want to be putting on your sweats and wondering where you can get a pizza and a beer.