Anyone know what happened to this dude?



  • Hmmm. Not really. Got a link? I thought it was "failed major label artist crafts bedroom release that sees wide distribution thanks to the interwebs. 2cds that woulda made one nice 40 minute album". I'm interested to peak behind the curtain though.

    Damn faux, is this where you said, "he's not worth my time anymore." ?

  • Thank you Jesus for my momma / Thank you bitches for my money

    that cody album had a couple real gems scattered amongst the fuzz and general fuck around-ery.

    (full disclosure: once noz was selling a 12" from headphone masterpiece that the bidding got too high on - i asked him to rip me the bside, which turned out to be a HIDEOUS pseudo-house monstrosity. i was embarrassed.)

    cody has a new track on this "Plague Songs" compilation that's not too shabby

    what are you implying, nick? That Noz woke-up one morning, got dressed, too the bus down to the record store, went looking in the "C Section", found the record, grabbed it, walked up to the register with it, pulled out his wallet, paid for it, grabbed it again, took the bus back home, opened the record up, took it out of it's sleeve, placed it on his turntable, listened to it, took it off the platter, put it back into it's sleeve, held onto it for 3-4 years, found it in this collection again, took a picture of it, uploaded the picture onto his ebay account, and wrote a personal assesment (A MINI BLOG!) of it?

    Are you implying that Noz would own something like that?

  • alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts
    Did anyone give his latest a listen? It's a pretty good effort...definitely more polished and less indie.

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