Crazy music/listening room...
49 Posts
Found on have no idea what half of the gear is...He must listen to music by himself alot though. I like that if he has friends over they have to sit behind him. Can alnyone tell me what the black 'pod'-type things are?? or ?? Or does this guy need to get out more? I often wonder if you are THAT in the technology, that the music becomes almost secondary...Some of my friends with the best stereo gear have the WORST taste in music...Does any soulstrutters feel the audiophile vibe??
Feeling tha OOOOOOPS vibe! with tha OOOOOOOPS!!!
HAHAHAHA! Hell yeah! Bet you wish you could be there!
they also sell/ cook fried chicken in the basement of this joint. if you can make it it will certainly be fresh.