

  • djkingottodjkingotto 1,704 Posts
    if i wasn't so in control of shit, i would have pooted myself looking at those joints.

  • tuneuptuneup 586 Posts
    congrats man....that looks like some fun times ahead.
    best thing is they look minty fresh.
    was the dude you bought them from in the business, and then never used them? looks like it....
    don't be afraid to sell them bad boys....they can pay many bills.

  • kwalitykwality 620 Posts
    I'm not a huge library fan, but that is an amazing score. It must be hard keeping your cool when coming across a haul like that. I get scared that I'd be like "Fuck yeah!!!" and then the seller would twig that they were sitting on gold.

    Well done man, I'd flip them and pay some billllllllllzzzz!

  • i'm mad doggie!
    peace, stein. . .

  • chasechase 767 Posts
    probably have a better chance hitting the lottery then finding some shit like that...

    how much hustle'n did it take to get that shit?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Great find!!!! Looks like the stuff that turned up here in Dallas recently except in better shape and more of it. Listening to these was the best record experience I've had in years......fun galore!!

    Now here's a tip......if you work at a large company that does their own audio/video/advertising, nose around they may have some of these.

    Today I was shooting an instructional video at work and was just bullshitting with our Video dude who's been at my company since '74. I mentioned my recent score of Library LP's figuring that he could appreciate them having a CD Library of similar stuff he works with now.

    Half way through my story he asks "What was the name of the company, De Wolfe?"

    Shocked, I said "yeah" and he proceeds to tell me that my company had boxes of these LP's back when he started in the 70's and he used them up until the mid-80's. Then he says..."They may have been tossed, but if they weren't I know where they're at and you can have them"

    Now I don't hold out much hope, but tomorrow I'm gonna go to his office and see if we can hunt them down......If I'm lucky y'all will have to look at even more of this stuff!!

  • kennykenny 1,024 Posts
    damn! another library come-up...thanks for sharing those pictures!

    thats insane.

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts

  • joeblowjoeblow 118 Posts
    holy crap!

  • upskibooupskiboo 2,396 Posts



  • dec0ndec0n 38 Posts
    zomg, that haul is what dreams are made of...

  • Im gonna need to know the address where these are gonna be housed.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    I think I sometimes had dreams about great come-ups, and they never matched this for quantity. Can only hope the quality was great, but as already said, worth it for the covers.

  • uttersutters 321 Posts
    I just can't for the life of me understand the library craze. People basically amassing a giant collection of muzak?! Weird. So many of them one-trackers too

    I would buy a collection like that if I found it though... Sample them all, then retire off the dicogs money 

  • staxwaxstaxwax 1,474 Posts
    Damn. Looks crazy to say the least.

    I recently struck up a conversation in a friends store with some old guy, very well dressed in vintage tweed. A journalist and a blogger from portugal, in his late 60s. Convo turned to music and hes dropping names like bob james, cti records, etc. He mentioned he used to be a dj in portugal in the 70s, mostly into jazz-funk and fusion. Still had a lot of his old records and needed to get rid of them. I played it cool and gave him my email - so his wife asks me to come and pick them up a few weeks later. Complete jazz funk collection, lots of braeks, car trunk full, and free. Dude had good taste, very good come up for me. Take time to take to interesting older folk yo... 


  • The BizarreThe Bizarre San Francisco, CA 23 Posts
    This shit is legendary. Only thing I can compare this to personally is some dreams I've had about digging. Seriously, this is even better than most dreams I've had about digging, fictional dream-titles and all. Respect!

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    This shit is legendary. Only thing I can compare this to personally is some dreams I've had about digging. Seriously, this is even better than most dreams I've had about digging, fictional dream-titles and all. Respect!
    @"The Bizarre" 

    This score is equally impressive
    The Bizarre
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