it can get like that in jersey too. the whole northeast weather is ridiculous.
scuse me, but it's fucking june third! the fuck's all this about? tommorrow is supposed to be 50 degrees.
Dude you should be grateful. When summer hits we're gonna be swaeting our balls off.
A friend of mine called from Seattle the other day and said it was 91 degrees.Now that's just crazy.
Hell yes. I walked out of work yesterday (where I freeze all day long in an air conditioned data center) and it was colder outside. WTF?!
i got rained on this morning. that's one step above being shit on this time of year...
I know. Can I have a month of medium weather. It's like, put the parka away two days before you put the air conditioner back in the window.
My windbreaker is getting dusty!
Washington, D.C.
Saturday, June 4, 2005
Few Showers
High: 82.9??
1 Year ago[/b]
High: 105.4??
I've never seen it this low this time of year here.
Check this crazy shit out:
Palm Springs Weather Facts:
* July is the average warmest month.
* The highest recorded temperature was 123??F in 1995.[/b]
* The average coolest month is December.
* The lowest recorded temperature was 19??F in 1937.
Now that's just crazy.
center pic on point for tomorrow's forcast. guy even looks kinda like me....fate?