yo, if you want to buy something it's on you. plain and simple. there's no holding your hand in this. if you're a grown man with a brain research that shit or man up with your money if you want it.
if i overpay i dont even think twice about it. who cares. i have the record now. that means im happy.
plus when are you officially overpaying? you know every $500 record out there, some dude probably found in a garage sale for a buck anyway at some point.
thats why i dont even give this shit a second thought.
how many of these do you have impressive Seller irmgard2u( 2692) Jul-06-06 12:52 4883847008
i took 4 years to pay for this i'm sorry i still want biton though Seller waawwaaw( 241) Jul-06-06 12:52 4882791913 Rating Withdrawn by eBay: Buyer didn't respond to the Unpaid Item notification for this transaction. Learn more. Jul-24-06 04:32
why oh why do i feel the need to be self-deprecating in feedback Seller wabisabimoab( 366) Jul-06-06 12:52 4875823527
best record ever why does it play better after it looks like a truck hit it ok Seller *woebot*( 68) Jul-06-06 12:52 4869851782
whoever had the idea to record vomiting persian sailors quite possibly my hero Seller *woebot*( 68) Jul-06-06 12:52 4869858489
DON'T SAY MAYBE CALL ME YES Seller karlbunker01( 516) Jul-06-06 12:52 4863250586
it is rare that you buy something life-changing on the internet, but alas Seller tim-cragg( 1203) Jul-06-06 12:52 4858645310
for some reason when i look at this i see 'buddha shrimp' i must be hungry Seller mffm( 260) Jul-06-06 12:52 4867070341
paying money to get blood drawn aurally is always fun Seller *woebot*( 68) Jul-06-06 12:52 4869848180
47 plays later my mind is only beginning to wrap around this Seller vinyljunkierecords( 1111) Apr-05-06 08:48 4837101808
oh lord i actually bought something from solidviper Seller solidviper.com( 9992) Apr-05-06 08:48 4836061897 Rating Withdrawn by eBay: Buyer didn't respond to the Unpaid Item notification for this transaction. Learn more. Apr-20-06 04:39
buying this on ebay: toy move but necessary Seller 4550zz( 6456) Apr-05-06 08:48 4832218682
YES I DID BUY THIS ON EBAY 12" MIX WHEN IT GETS ALL LOUD WOW Seller lennondude( 1944) Apr-05-06 08:48 4837079183
clean clean clean i wonder if i was japanese if i would feel corny Seller m630223( 534) Apr-05-06 08:48 4828116903
female rare is right if you're bidding on ebay for this kind of thing Seller m630223( 534) Apr-05-06 08:48 4828497583
If I think a record deserve to be a 30$ record, I'll put that price to the record. If 3 guys sell it for 5$ on cdandlp, I'll still put 30$ on it and will hide the name of the record.. is that so difficult to understand?
ok, as someone who comes accross shit that is dope, yet not known and not rare, i dig what you're saying...
why wouldn't you just buy the $5 guys out of stock and then have like 6 copies to flip for 30 bucks each instead of one?
that's what i do anyways...
Cause you have to add shipping cost.. it means 15$ a copy = not so interesting..
You're hittin the wrong target: The problem (if it's really a problem) is not recordkingz, it's the people who buy secret squirrel from him.
i gotta this. This shit is lame but if people weren't buying it they wouldn't be selling it like that. If there's a market for "secret squirrels" then I can't really be mad at dudes for selling them. The demand is what drives the whole thing.
My beef (and I've had 2 online dealers who try to pull this) is when you are obviously interested in buying the record, they still wont tell you want it is. The only way you will find out any details about the record is after the record arrives at your door you open up the box. That what I'm not feeling.
of course they won't tell you, that's the whole point of selling a "secret squirrel". If they told every dude that was like "I'm seriously interested in this", it wouldn't be a secret anymore! It's a pretty simple concept.
And for the record, I've never sold a secret squirrel.
There seems to be a basic disconnect in this thread.
Is the secret squirrel schitt foul or immoral? No--the terms of the arrangement are pretty clear and anyone that's uncomfortable with them shouldn't bid.
Is it exceedingly corny and a gimmick primarily employed by dudes who struggle to maintain anything approaching a steady stream of interesting quality pieces and who, in doing so, brand themselves with a massive scarlet "LD"? Fraid so.
Is it exceedingly corny and a gimmick primarily employed by dudes who struggle to maintain anything approaching a steady stream of interesting quality pieces and who, in doing so, brand themselves with a massive scarlet "LD"? Fraid so.
i dont think record kkingz is having record inventory problems. murt doesnt seem to either. just dudes who are not loose with information and are trying to catch people out there.
Is it exceedingly corny and a gimmick primarily employed by dudes who struggle to maintain anything approaching a steady stream of interesting quality pieces and who, in doing so, brand themselves with a massive scarlet "LD"? Fraid so.
i dont think record kkingz is having record inventory problems. murt doesnt seem to either. just dudes who are not loose with information and are trying to catch people out there.
LD = Little Dude
Sorry, but this is the mark of somebody that's not a real professional, IMO.
I don't think it's "wrong," but I do think it's on about the same level as advertising "ill horn stabs" and urging prospective bidders not to sleep.
what if isnt a common record and seller isnt trying to get over but doesnt want to hip every auction viewer to the title?
i think it has its time and place, but when abused =
Well, what you're describing wouldn't be a concern if it actually wasn't a common record--there's not much that the various wetmouth auction viwers could do with that information if the record is genuinely tough to come by.
Sounds like what you're describing is a record that is, in fact, common but is generally undervalued; it's around, but most people don't realize it's good.
In that case, I'd say charge it to the game--make your money off it while you can, and know that when you establish yourself as a real professional, i.e., not a secret squirrel/"ill funk stabz" dude, it will come back to you in the form of repeat customers.
I'm not saying people shouldn't do the secret squirrel thing--make your money however--but they should also be aware that it taints them in the eyes of a certain class of collector. When I see people doing that schitt, I get real nervous about their grading and their general level of professionalism, and would be inclined to just steer clear of all their auctions.
what if isnt a common record and seller isnt trying to get over but doesnt want to hip every auction viewer to the title?
i think it has its time and place, but when abused =
Well, what you're describing wouldn't be a concern if it actually wasn't a common record--there's not much that the various wetmouth auction viwers could do with that information if the record is genuinely tough to come by.
Sounds like what you're describing is a record that is, in fact, common but is generally undervalued; it's around, but most people don't realize it's good.
In that case, I'd say charge it to the game--make your money off it while you can, and know that when you establish yourself as a real professional, i.e., not a secret squirrel/"ill funk stabz" dude, it will come back to you in the form of repeat customers.
I'm not saying people shouldn't do the secret squirrel thing--make your money however--but they should also be aware that it taints them in the eyes of a certain class of collector. When I see people doing that schitt, I get real nervous about their grading and their general level of professionalism, and would be inclined to just steer clear of all their auctions.
what if isnt a common record and seller isnt trying to get over but doesnt want to hip every auction viewer to the title?
i think it has its time and place, but when abused =
Well, what you're describing wouldn't be a concern if it actually wasn't a common record--there's not much that the various wetmouth auction viwers could do with that information if the record is genuinely tough to come by.
Sounds like what you're describing is a record that is, in fact, common but is generally undervalued; it's around, but most people don't realize it's good.
In that case, I'd say charge it to the game--make your money off it while you can, and know that when you establish yourself as a real professional, i.e., not a secret squirrel/"ill funk stabz" dude, it will come back to you in the form of repeat customers.
I'm not saying people shouldn't do the secret squirrel thing--make your money however--but they should also be aware that it taints them in the eyes of a certain class of collector. When I see people doing that schitt, I get real nervous about their grading and their general level of professionalism, and would be inclined to just steer clear of all their auctions.
Also I feel like if it's something real secretive and you don't want anyone to know and it is a top quality piece then you should have no problem moving it privately... I mean why are dudes acting like the only way to sell records is on ebay?
I don't have a problem with the whole "secret squirrel" thing on the basis of keeping secrecy about certain records; I do that all the time. As far as selling though, it seems more often than not to be a device employed by people of one particular locale or another where a record is plentiful, and therein lies the line deceit.
I'm not saying people shouldn't do the secret squirrel thing--make your money however--but they should also be aware that it taints them in the eyes of a certain class of collector. When I see people doing that schitt, I get real nervous about their grading and their general level of professionalism, and would be inclined to just steer clear of all their auctions.
But if these sellers lack the quality pieces, as you claim (and I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you), don't you think they'd be pretty unconcerned with your bid, seeing as how you are of a higher class of collectors?
it taints them in the eyes of a certain class of collector. When I see people doing that schitt, I get real nervous about their grading and their general level of professionalism, and would be inclined to just steer clear of all their auctions.
It seems more often than not to be a device employed by people of one particular locale or another where a record is plentiful, and therein lies the line deceit.
I think that's 99% of the reason behind secret squirrels.
Hey Paycheck, I do plan to get off my ass and make the 2 hour trip to your store sometime in the next few weeks so get those grails ready!
But actually, what bothers me the most is that everybody is following the devil...and elijah was one devilish simp. Not very honarable from my point of view again...If you didnt know now you know...
PS : by the way, you can call me "izm" instead of "the white man"...it's outdated man. Plus i'm not The white man, i'm just a white man.
yea that's a bold statement, but now i'm wondering if we didn't get out the line...i don't think that should be the conclusion for the topic. Or maybe yes. Let's be crazy like Cee-Lo.
mo majid used to have a lot of squirrel auctions. he had one brazilian joint which was banging...but it was $100. he wouldnt even tell me what it is cause he's gay like that, so i didnt bid. do i have it in my crates now, 4 years later? nope. i shoulda bought the shit and sold a couple records myself to make up the difference. i wouldnt have been stressing that money at all. might be a brazilian common. but i aint never been there, so it aint common to me.
Easy Bro'! I wasn't that gay about shit like that, just a few things that I travelled far for. And if it still ain't known, it really was a secret squirrel, ?
mo majid used to have a lot of squirrel auctions. he had one brazilian joint which was banging...but it was $100. he wouldnt even tell me what it is cause he's gay like that, so i didnt bid. do i have it in my crates now, 4 years later? nope. i shoulda bought the shit and sold a couple records myself to make up the difference. i wouldnt have been stressing that money at all. might be a brazilian common. but i aint never been there, so it aint common to me.
Easy Bro'! I wasn't that gay about shit like that, just a few things that I travelled far for. And if it still ain't known, it really was a secret squirrel, ?
Peace Mo
i was wondering what it would take to get you out of hiding. i was using that as an example of why i should have bid on your squirrel! (cause i still dont have that record or even know what it is) dont blame you for doing it. -t
if i overpay i dont even think twice about it. who cares. i have the record now. that means im happy.
plus when are you officially overpaying? you know every $500 record out there, some dude probably found in a garage sale for a buck anyway at some point.
thats why i dont even give this shit a second thought.
we're simply red to his james brown
Cause you have to add shipping cost.. it means 15$ a copy = not so interesting..
i gotta
of course they won't tell you, that's the whole point of selling a "secret squirrel". If they told every dude that was like "I'm seriously interested in this", it wouldn't be a secret anymore! It's a pretty simple concept.
And for the record, I've never sold a secret squirrel.
Is the secret squirrel schitt foul or immoral? No--the terms of the arrangement are pretty clear and anyone that's uncomfortable with them shouldn't bid.
Is it exceedingly corny and a gimmick primarily employed by dudes who struggle to maintain anything approaching a steady stream of interesting quality pieces and who, in doing so, brand themselves with a massive scarlet "LD"? Fraid so.
i dont think record kkingz is having record inventory problems. murt doesnt seem to either. just dudes who are not loose with information and are trying to catch people out there.
LD = Little Dude
Sorry, but this is the mark of somebody that's not a real professional, IMO.
I don't think it's "wrong," but I do think it's on about the same level as advertising "ill horn stabs" and urging prospective bidders not to sleep.
i think it has its time and place, but when abused =
Well, what you're describing wouldn't be a concern if it actually wasn't a common record--there's not much that the various wetmouth auction viwers could do with that information if the record is genuinely tough to come by.
Sounds like what you're describing is a record that is, in fact, common but is generally undervalued; it's around, but most people don't realize it's good.
In that case, I'd say charge it to the game--make your money off it while you can, and know that when you establish yourself as a real professional, i.e., not a secret squirrel/"ill funk stabz" dude, it will come back to you in the form of repeat customers.
I'm not saying people shouldn't do the secret squirrel thing--make your money however--but they should also be aware that it taints them in the eyes of a certain class of collector. When I see people doing that schitt, I get real nervous about their grading and their general level of professionalism, and would be inclined to just steer clear of all their auctions.
It has been said before.
I don't have a problem with the whole "secret squirrel" thing on the basis of keeping secrecy about certain records; I do that all the time. As far as selling though, it seems more often than not to be a device employed by people of one particular locale or another where a record is plentiful, and therein lies the line deceit.
But if these sellers lack the quality pieces, as you claim (and I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you), don't you think they'd be pretty unconcerned with your bid, seeing as how you are of a higher class of collectors?
I agree.
I think that's 99% of the reason behind secret squirrels.
Hey Paycheck, I do plan to get off my ass and make the 2 hour trip to your store sometime in the next few weeks so get those grails ready!
But actually, what bothers me the most is that everybody is following the devil...and elijah was one devilish simp. Not very honarable from my point of view again...If you didnt know now you know...
PS : by the way, you can call me "izm" instead of "the white man"...it's outdated man. Plus i'm not The white man, i'm just a white man.
aw, you was talking about chinese people...i agree too then. China is the next big threat. China>Iran
Easy Bro'!
I wasn't that gay about shit like that, just a few things that I travelled far for.
And if it still ain't known, it really was a secret squirrel,
i was wondering what it would take to get you out of hiding.
i was using that as an example of why i should have bid on your squirrel!
(cause i still dont have that record or even know what it is)
dont blame you for doing it. -t
I'm back batches!