ipod deadphones. seriously wtfr.
452 Posts
just bought a nano a month ago. listening at totally reasonable volumes. non-hip-hop material for the most part. right earphone just started buzzing. why is there no backlash? this is my 2nd set and both have blown within a month. any compact listening suggestions?
here's a thread with some good suggestions for casual litening as well as studio use:
anyone try those $100 bose jawns? im not too keen on dropping a c for 2 plugs, but if they're gonna last and the sound is right...
they're not ear phones but they're small enough that they're still 'casual'
Did it to mine the day after I got the pod.
Replaced with a great set that hook onto the tops of the ears, made by Koss, great bass responce.
Peace for now, Peace for later
Best investment for ipod listening.
a little pricey.
If you're into music at all, buy a nice pair of headphones. It's a no brainer.
I use shure e2c's and they've been great. Another upside to better headphones is less battery usage, since you don't have to crank your ipod all the way up to get a decent output.