Conjure: Music for the Texts of Ishmael Reed

gibla74gibla74 182 Posts
edited June 2005 in Strut Central
About 12 years ago someone gave me a tape which someone else had given them & they knew nothing about. The writing on the front was barely readable & seemed to say "Pangea ..??.. israel creed...??I was really into it but lost the tape & have been trying to work out what it was ever since. Then yesterday I was checking out the UBU website after a link was posted on SS & there was a poem by Ismael Reed called Skydiving (the name of a song on the lp) . All became clear & the LP which I haven't heard in about 8 years is finally on it's way to me!Anyway without Soul Strut I may never have found out what it was. I was quite surprised to find out it was made as late as 85 & that taj mahal & allen toussaint were both involved. Is this a well known lp? What do folks on here think about it? Is their other stuff worth picking up?


  • gibla74gibla74 182 Posts
    What so nobody has an opinion on this album?!!

  • I really like (part of) this LP and the other Conjure one as well. I get these two LP's mixed up. Some of the music on these albums hasn't dated well but there are a few great tracks that I still play out. One is called Foolology which is a tripped out jazz number and the other is a bouncy Taj Mahal number called Betty's Ball Blues or something like that. On the other LP there's a song about a writer turning 35 that has great lyrics and a nice jazzy groove to it.
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