~thurs night: the inaugural ANN ARBOR SOUL CLUB~
577 Posts
ATTENTION ALL MICHIGAN PEOPLES:the inaugural ANN ARBOR SOUL CLUB will take place on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21st, at the BLIND PIG!!! come get classy and dance the night away to sensational soul jams, brought to you by DJs brad hales and robert wells. this is real soul music coming at you from the heart of the real soul scene: michigan, usa. original northern, tamla-motown, r&b, and crossover 45s, all made for prime dancing! 9.30pm - 2.00am$5/$8 under
scroll down to the article entitled "the loop."
our first go on the 21st couldn't have been more successful - lots of people dancing and enjoying themselves - so be sure to come check us out next time!