Crate digging
238 Posts
I love records ... to the point where I will spend $50-100 each visit to the shops. Not a lot of money, but I do this frequently. I love the culture of crate digging so much that I can spend hours in a thrift shop/dollar bin basement and not have a bite to eat or drink. I love the euphoria of searching for, listening to and buying records.Which leads to my question: has record collecting been documented as its own clinical addiction for which there is treatment (apart from frontal lobotomies)? Has my love of music evolved into a mild addiction? Is there anyone out there who feels the same way?I heard about the documentary "Vinyl", but some of those cats are from the real world.Any comments are appreciated.
here are some faces of the mentally deranged digger that i analysed in my short career as psychoanalyst of the beat-monger:
notice the features of withdrawal, the elements of fear of contact within the gaze of the subject, and the discomfort even when engaged within his home environment
here is another:
this i a classic case of the crate-digger syndrome. wide eyes, tendency to gnaw off the fingernails while sampling beats, complete loss of spatial and temporal grounding, etc.
ah yesss..... here is another perfect example, one perhaps very familiar to many here in this borderline insane asylum of cyber-digger-manias:
notice, the early stages of dementia and the inclination toward display of animalistic behavior. the subject pictured above began to display these symptons during a treatment session shortly after repeated listens of the Best of Levert.
and finally our most interesting subject:
this digger demented persona somehow convinced himself that he was able to give birth to an infant child sort of like that one episode of ALien Nation back around '88 ... in any case, he proceeded to display delusional symptoms unrelentlessly argueing that he was the mother of the child.... the symptons manifested shortly after a large northern soul buy that the subject noted was amongst the "gnarliest of the gnarliest."
you are killing the message boards lately.... you must be suffering from grad school dementia.
Alright I give up.... what the fuck is that? I even went over to to try and figure it out and gave up.
In other news, I went to that one website that has the test to see how you associate race and shit with "good" and "bad". turns out I have a preference for Jews. (????) Now I know the test is bullshit. First of all, I only know 3 Jews... Anna, Rootless, and Guzzo. 2nd, I don't know the first thing about judaism. I know the star, and the candle holder, and the blue lights, and the costco hotdogs, and thats it. So perhaps with my hidden preference for jews its time to seek out some more jewish friends. Apparently we'll get along great? I have to admit though, I think the 3 jews that I know are great people.
Brings a whole 'nother other to the phrase "waxing deep."
Graemlin needed?