I called in sick today.
867 Posts
will are you ok??http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/custom/newsroom/chi-061208westloop-shooting,0,5479016.story
Rob: I am fine, as are all BRG employees. A gunman (I'm guessing a former employee) entered on 3800 and shot 4 people and took at least one hostage. The gunman was then killed after being either being shot by police or committing suicide. Wood, Philips, Katz, Clark & Mortimer is on 3800 and is a patent (intellectual property) law firm. My father used to work on 38 five years ago when his job had a satellite office there.
As for us, we were detained for 2-3 hours on our floor as police checked each floor to ascertain if there was an accomplice or second shooter. Harry was stuck outside whilst getting a smoke. He was very cold.
The building security plan worked very well as far as our floor was concerned, but I heard screaming and other commotion in the background over the loudspeakers (from the ground floors) as the Office of the Building told people to remain sequestered in their office and lock all doors.
Again, all things are fine on this floor, although every single alcoholic beverage in the firm died a cold and frosty death.
There is no truth to the rumor that the shooter was wearing an UpRise t-shirt.
It's too early for lawyer jokes right? I knew no one was shooting up jamba juice though.
too close for comfort.
At that time I'm on lunch or sneaking my last coatless cig of the day, I feel bad for him. that really sucks. did any officers follow any suspicious smells coming out of the fax center?
I don't believe you. Just last friday half a case of miller was found while cleaning the fridge. Guess who took them all?
We'll have to wait for the history book's take on this.
Isn't this the least credible source in the Book of Zilla? Who's been tasting the Kool-Aid?
Turns out dude was pissed off about his patent for a "Truck Toilet".
But Fer Real.
Im sorry to hear about the mayhem, Ya never think about things like this till it hits close to home.
My Bud Z_illa, Glad you called in sick.
Peace for now, Peace for Later