

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts

    And isn't "terd" a rather small word for a member of the SoulStrut Dangerous Mindz contingent to be using?

    1.) You're still a terd.

    2.) Perhaps your big self should draft a graemlin rule book for all the little guys. Sucka.

    We already know that you feel that way and that you are mistaken

    3.) Or we already know that I'm not mistaken, but observant, and you are in fact mistaken about the irreprehensible plight of your misanthropic, and lugubrious existence. Sucka.

    4.) Really though, you just need to make your mama proud and take your ego two sizes down, cause you're totally

    How dare you challenge Faux Rillz's reign!


  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts

    Sorry, the Statute of Limitations has already expired
    on your ability to attempt a humorous comeback to Faux Rillz' post.

    Probably just as well, as you failed miserably anyway.

    That's right, I should be on here all the time; thanks for letting me know whats good holmes, I'm glad that you're here to set the record straight. Whenever you get his dick out of your mouth make sure and start a new thread about what it tasted like so that you and the rest of his back(it)-up posse can compare notes.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    I used to post on here a few years ago, I believe I used the name 'boner patrol'

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts
    And? If that was your attempt at getting at me you might want to take note that I chose the name boner patrol. I'm sure you can do better than that, at least make this fun.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Sorry, friend. Internet beef bores me.

    But, maybe I'll make it out to one of your
    impromptu rap shows, and you can then lyrically
    disarm me with your metaphorical uzi?

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    'pex 'phorical uzis

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    This is even more pathetic than when I tried to battle rap themack.

  • Sorry, the Statute of Limitations has already expired
    on your ability to attempt a humorous comeback to Faux Rillz' post.

    Probably just as well, as you failed miserably anyway.

    That's right, I should be on here all the time; thanks for letting me know whats good holmes, I'm glad that you're here to set the record straight. Whenever you get his dick out of your mouth make sure and start a new thread about what it tasted like so that you and the rest of his back(it)-up posse can compare notes.

    Take my name out of your keyboard!
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