yo whats up with these people typing like this??

pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts
edited December 2006 in Strut Central
motherfuckers all like
"yo does anybody know the dipset home website, because i had now 4got i need 2 know what dat shit iz, cuz they got mad battles on there...help me out iight"
"stfu.. i just focus on makin money daytrading..and ur gay..now leave b4 u make my thread get close n niggas cant get hit off wit da album"
i like this one
"hard owt ae..fuk dats a on to it song!!!!!!!!!"
Someone want to explain to me what the fuck this means? Do people purposely type like this? if they spell the word right the first time, do they go back and add a "z"?
"m4k3 !7 r4!n 8y f47 j03__________________~~PRiiNC3SS D4N13ll3~~???~~D14M0NDZ ND RUB13Z~~???~~SN4P;Y0;F1NGZ~~ "
i think this is decyphered as "Make it ran by fat joe" but im not sure. this shit makes me pretty sad about the future of america. Some dude going "ME TINKS DAT DIPS3T N JEEZY IZ DA NUMBA 1 STUNNA KILLA BEE! IIIIGHT HOLLA DUN!" Is going to be a senator in 20 years. these are the things that keep me up at night....


  • II [] [] I3

  • pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts
    skeet skeet skeet
    edit: i tried posting some cool ascii art but the forum wasnt having it.

  • MeepMeep 320 Posts

    these are the things that keep me up at night....

    seriously, I've seen 19-year-olds write papers like that...

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts

    this shit makes me pretty sad about the future of america. Some dude going "ME TINKS DAT DIPS3T N JEEZY IZ DA NUMBA 1 STUNNA KILLA BEE! IIIIGHT HOLLA DUN!" Is going to be a senator in 20 years.

    Dude, look at the composition of the Senate. Do you REALLY think that a cadre of overwhelmingly rich white dudes are going to groom their successors out the population base that even listens to Dipset/Jeezy let alone thinks that they're "numba 1 stunna killa bees"?

    Please be serious.

    The latter will be part of the masses that senators exploit and/or ignore in 20 years.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    you should see the dude on okayplayer thaty stays typing with z's and dat's, etc. grand stylez is his name, i think. so corny.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    you should see the dude on okayplayer thaty stays typing with z's and dat's, etc. grand stylez is his name, i think. so corny.

    "Grand Stylez". Hahahahaha

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    it's a logical progression of the written word. equal parts prince and mc eiht. soon we won't even need letters to communicate.

  • I thought this shit was old news??

    I think the increase in cel phone txt messaging has made a lot of people get into the habit of shortening words with numbers, letters, etc. You know like "b4" "2nite" etc But I'm not sure the reasoning behind the e-thug talk. I think it's really similar to the dudes who type patois. Didn't we have a thread about that???

    Anyways people are trying to show the way they talk in person through their typing. And these are clearly a bunch of very eloquent people...

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    And these are clearly a bunch of very eloquent people

    How far iz this from most catz namez on thiz site. Slang fo' dayz.

  • pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts

    this shit makes me pretty sad about the future of america. Some dude going "ME TINKS DAT DIPS3T N JEEZY IZ DA NUMBA 1 STUNNA KILLA BEE! IIIIGHT HOLLA DUN!" Is going to be a senator in 20 years.

    Dude, look at the composition of the Senate. Do you REALLY think that a cadre of overwhelmingly rich white dudes are going to groom their successors out the population base that even listens to Dipset/Jeezy let alone thinks that they're "numba 1 stunna killa bees"?

    Please be serious.

    The latter will be part of the masses that senators exploit and/or ignore in 20 years.
    haha. I was just joking oliver. Trying to make a point.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    WoRdZ sLAnG 4 DaYZ!

    PeACe oUTz hOmMiEZ.
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