vote for Day, Gilles P's All Winners 2006

Work the soulstrut clout, do eeet! It'll get him more free LRG fits.DJ Day - 'Four Hills' (Melting Pot Music)
Work the soulstrut clout, do eeet! It'll get him more free LRG fits.DJ Day - 'Four Hills' (Melting Pot Music)
Vote, baby vote!!!!
DJ Day s[/b]
good luck
Considering it's Worldwide, my ghast has never been so flabbered not to see Nephews of Fela on that list. Top, top, top fackin' chee-ooown.
My picks:
Nephews of Fella "Uhuru Mashup/Mullah 2" - it's good music
Love Trio "Lovers Rock" for "Flight In Dub" or "Goth Dub" - beautiful, hypnotic roots dub business, both tracks are spellbinding in different ways
Timberlake "My Love" - all about Timbaland's beat, good to hear some quality in the mainstream
Gnarles Barkley "Crazy" - the same as "My Love" only more so, plus adds the feeling that I'm disconnected when it got to number one on downloads alone and I'm still buying vynil. All of that aside, even though it clears the floor, I love this
Joe Mensah (Natural Self remixes) on Soundway - Lethaniel comes out of Quantic's shadow and destroys it. The re-edit seemed to get more plaudits from online shops, but I think his full-bodied remix on the b-side steals the show. It's very fast and heavy, with a reggae-influenced b-line and drums, fucking drums, that never let the energy drop. Amazing shit
Done deal - you got my vote. Four days was my myspace song for a minute.
Thats sounds so gay... but at the same time, its really not... I'm so conficted right now!
Thanks everybody, I appreciate it
HAHAHA..i felt awkward posting that myself, but it's true
that aloe blacc record is wack city.
voted for day 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592 times.