vote for Day, Gilles P's All Winners 2006

AserAser 2,351 Posts
edited November 2006 in Strut Central
DJ Day - 'Four Hills' (Melting Pot Music)
Work the soulstrut clout, do eeet! It'll get him more free LRG fits.


  • OlskiOlski 355 Posts

    Vote, baby vote!!!!

  • DigginDiggin 319 Posts
    Some terds on that show but he's showcasing more good (new) music than most other djs in the world

    Track of the Year
    4hero - 'Morning Child' (Raw Canvas)
    Aaron Jerome - 'Dancing Girl' (White)
    Aloe Blacc - 'Bailar - Scene 1' (Stones Throw)
    Ame - 'Rej' (Sonar Kollektiv)
    Amp Fiddler - 'Faith' (Jazzanova Remix) (Genuine)
    At Jazz - 'For Real' (Sonar Kollektiv)
    Beckett and Taylor - 'Where There You Been Gone Find It' (Hand On The Plow)
    Ben Westbeech - 'So Good Today' (Osunlade Remix) (Brownswood)
    Benny Sings & The Rednose District - 'Miss Moral' (Dox Records)
    Big Bang - 'Summer Fields' (Arison)
    Bonobo - 'Days To Come' (Ubiquity)
    Bugz in The Attic - 'Sounds Like' (V2/Nurture)
    Busta Rhymes - 'New York Sh***' (Interscope)
    Chokolate - 'Heavy' (Kajmere)
    Cobblestone Jazz - 'Dump Truck' (Wagon Repair)
    Colonel Red - 'Blue Eye Black' (People)
    Content - 'Its So' (Simple)
    Daisuke Tanabe - 'CNST' (Fluid Ounce)
    Deetron - 'You've Got Me Swinging' (Music Man)
    Digital Funk Addicts - 'Higher Level' (Moods & Grooves)
    Distance - 'Temptation' (Tectonic)
    DJ Days - 'Four Hills' (Melting Pot Music)
    Eric Lau & Rahel - 'I'm Fine' (White)
    ESG - 'Insane' (Bass Mix) (Soul Jazz)
    Fat Freddy's Drop - 'Cay's Cray' (Kalbata Remix)(Kartel)
    Femme Fatale - 'Seeline Woman' (Big Sur)
    Floetry - 'I Want You' (Yoruba Soul Mix) (White)
    Gene Hunt - 'Got to Get Away' (Rick Wilhite and Omar S Remix) (Philosophie)
    Geology ft Yukimi Nagano - 'Loving' (White)
    Georgia Anne Muldrow - 'Wrong Way' (Stones Throw)
    Ghostface Killah & MF Doom - 'Angeles' (Lex)
    Gnarls Barkley - 'Crazy' (Wea)
    Grand Union - 'Wonderful World' (People Tree Records)
    Grudge Monkey - 'Hustle' (2000 Black)
    Harvey Lindo & Maspyke - '3 Wheel Hooky' (White)
    Heart Attack - 'Love Stink' (White)
    Hot 8 - 'Sexual Healing' (Louisiana Red Hot)
    Hypnotic Brass Ensemble - 'Jupiter' (White)
    J Dilla Ft. Pharaoh Monch - 'Love' (bbe)
    J*Davey - 'Might As Well' (White)
    Jamie Woon - 'Wayfaring Stranger' (Live)
    Jazzanova Ft. Thief - 'The Sirens Call' (Sonar Kollektiv)
    Jazztronik - 'Pathways' (2 Banks of Four Remix) (Tokuma)
    Jobim's Cousin - 'La Revancha Del Bossa' (Cargo Edition)
    Jose James - 'The Dreamer' (White)
    Karizma - 'Twist This' (White)
    Kelly Polar - 'Ashamed of Myself' (Osunlade Remix) (White)
    Kevin Reynolds - 'Afrik' (Todhchai Records)
    Koop- I See A Different You (Innocent Sorcerers Remix) (Compost)
    Lily Allen - 'LDN' (Regal)
    Lupe Fiasco - 'I Gotcha' (Atlantic)
    M Craft - 'Silver and Fire' (679)
    Madlib The Beat Konducta vs Dangerdoom - 'Space Hos' (Stones Throw)
    Marc Mac Presents: Visioneers - 'Ikes Mood' (bbe)
    Marcina Arnold - 'Forefathers' (Counterpoint)
    Mark E - 'Beat Down' (Running Back)
    Masta Killa- 'Brooklyn Kings' (Nature Sounds)
    Middlewood Sessions - 'Fall Back' (White)
    Mix) (Sonar Kollektiv)
    Moonshine Sessions - 'Psycho Girls and Psycow Boys' (Yo Basta)
    Motion Trio - 'You Dance' (Asphalt Tango Productions)
    Mr Scruff and Jazzanova - Boom Clicky Klack (Mr Scruff Vocal
    Nephews of Phela - 'Mulah 2' (White)
    New Sector Movement - 'Soul Power' (Jazzy Sport)
    Nicole Willis & The Soul Investigators - 'Feeling Free' (Timmion)
    Nicole Wray - 'I'll Take Your Man' (White)
    Nomo - 'Nu Tones' (Ubiquity)
    Novika - 'Finally' (Innocent Sorcerers Mix)' (Beats Friendly)
    Omar - 'Your Mess' (Ether)
    Owusu and Hannibal - 'Lonnie's Secret' (Ubiquity)
    Part Time Hero's - 'Realize' (Mums The Word)
    Pevan Everett - 'Sexy Make Up' (Soul Heaven)
    Pharaoh Monch - 'Push' (Island)
    Q-Tip Ft D'Angelo - 'I Believe' (White Label)
    Quango - 'Frantic Moment' (Deeper Soul)
    Quasimode - 'Ipe Amarelo' (Spiritual South Remix) (Raw Fusion)
    Radio Citizen - 'The Prophets' (Ubiquity)
    Randy Watson Experience - 'Be Still My Beating Heart' (Ubiquity)
    Raul Midon - 'Sunshine' (EMI)
    Rodamaal Ft. Cl??udia Franco - 'Insomnia' (Ame Remix) (Buzzin Fly)
    Sarah Anne Webb - 'Heaven' (Ether)
    Shawn J.Period - 'Places Everyone' (Rude)
    Simbad - 'Soul Fever' (Raw Fusion)
    Skream - 'Midnight Request Line' (Tempa)
    Slapped Eyeballers - 'Anti Fake Waltz' (Sonar Kollektiv)
    Son Of Raw 'A Drumstick & A Light Fixture' (Defected)
    Spank Rock 'Bump' (Switch Remix)(Big Dada)
    Spirit Catcher - 'Rise and Shine' (Rotax)
    Sumo - 'Lovebeat' (Heya Hifi)
    Swell Session Ft. Mark De Clive Lowe - 'All Of Me' (Freerange)
    Sygaire - 'Deux Mille Deux' (Sonar Kollektiv)
    Tanya Morgan - 'Pretty' (Loud Minority)
    Taylor McFerrin - 'Broken Vibes' (Isoul8 Edit) (Rude)
    The Electrons ft. Pete Simpson - 'Sunshine Love' (Genuine)
    The Outlines - 'Listen to the Drums Part 1' (Sonar Kollektiv)
    The Soul Jazz Orchestra - 'Mr President' (Do Right!)
    Theo Parrish - 'Falling Up' (Carl Craig Remix)
    Three Chairs - 'No Drum Machine Part 2' (White)
    Tor - 'Strivin' (International Rude Boy)
    Wicked Lister - 'Money' (Big Foot)
    Zero dB - 'A Pomba Girou' (Ninja Tune)

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    Yeah, day! Just put that vote in. Good luck, hommie!

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    That song IS my song of the year

    DJ Day s[/b]

    good luck

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts

    Considering it's Worldwide, my ghast has never been so flabbered not to see Nephews of Fela on that list. Top, top, top fackin' chee-ooown.

    My picks:

    Nephews of Fella "Uhuru Mashup/Mullah 2" - it's good music
    Love Trio "Lovers Rock" for "Flight In Dub" or "Goth Dub" - beautiful, hypnotic roots dub business, both tracks are spellbinding in different ways
    Timberlake "My Love" - all about Timbaland's beat, good to hear some quality in the mainstream
    Gnarles Barkley "Crazy" - the same as "My Love" only more so, plus adds the feeling that I'm disconnected when it got to number one on downloads alone and I'm still buying vynil. All of that aside, even though it clears the floor, I love this
    Joe Mensah (Natural Self remixes) on Soundway - Lethaniel comes out of Quantic's shadow and destroys it. The re-edit seemed to get more plaudits from online shops, but I think his full-bodied remix on the b-side steals the show. It's very fast and heavy, with a reggae-influenced b-line and drums, fucking drums, that never let the energy drop. Amazing shit

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    DJ Days=DJ Daze?!

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Ha - didn't even see this (damn it got bumped quick, eh? )



    Done deal - you got my vote. Four days was my myspace song for a minute.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Four days was my myspace song for a minute.

    Thats sounds so gay... but at the same time, its really not... I'm so conficted right now!

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Haha I think he means four "hills". Even Gilles Peterson got my name wrong (DJ Days[/b]) so I'm not trippin.

    Thanks everybody, I appreciate it

  • Four days was my myspace song for a minute.

    Thats sounds so gay... but at the same time, its really not... I'm so conficted right now!

    HAHAHA..i felt awkward posting that myself, but it's true

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    voted for day three times and aloe blacc three times

  • bthavbthav 1,538 Posts
    voted for day three times and aloe blacc three times

    that aloe blacc record is wack city.

    voted for day 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592 times.
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