Work Related

Mr. CasualMr. Casual 953 Posts
edited November 2006 in Strut Central
I have been feeling like ... anybody just quit the day job and moved on? Stories......


  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    when I was 16 I worked at a round table pizza. I came in one day after the store had just been held at gunpoint for a measly c-note.

    I walked right back out.

  • I know some others have struck out on their own.. come on..

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i will be done at this shithole of a coffee shop at the end of the year and will be working at the state capitol doing basically nothing and getting paid. i like that.

    my co-worker's roommate hung herself today so she called in sick and i have to work late now

  • pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts
    I have been feeling like ...

    anybody just quit the day job and moved on? Stories......
    Haha i was watching that at like 5am last night. I only saw half of it though. Imma go back down there right now and finish that shit. good looking.

  • my boss is seriously like the real-life version of Michael from The Office. There are several times a day I think "is this shit REALLY happening???" I've got a job interview Thursday, I hope to god it works out because I've already mentally quit this place, and if I don't get this new job I'm not sure what I'll do.

  • theory9theory9 1,128 Posts
    my co-worker's roommate hung herself today so she called in sick and i have to work late now

  • my co-worker's roommate hung herself today

    That's fucking horrible.

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    I know some others have struck out on their own.. come on..

    Dude, you kinda have a good ass job though. I dunno man, unless you are really ready to run shit on your own, id be careful.

  • fejmelbafejmelba 1,139 Posts
    yesterday was the last day for me.
    after 3 years work in the same place it didnt do the thing for me anymore.
    lucky for me they pay me till the 1st of januari and i got some time to chill out and find something new without any stress (yet).

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    anybody just quit the day job and moved on?

    I did. It's pretty sweet.

  • ZomBZomB 397 Posts
    Think im gonna be quittin my job once xmas is over as my boss is a gimp. Im gonna get a new part time job doing about 4 hours a day so i can put my time & energy into my own personal endeavours & things i actually enjoy doing. If i dont make enough money then im gonna get tony blair to help pay my rent & maybe slang some records & weed for extra income.

  • spivyspivy 866 Posts
    quit my job a lil' over a week ago. i put in my notice a month ago so i left on a positve note. i actually liked the bar i worked at but i needed alot of time off for personal/travel related things. the day after i quit i flew to new mexico with my girl for thanksgiving and i just got back to new york last night. i'm heading out to chicago in a week to visit a good friend and then i might take a train to memphis. i couldn't be happier right now.

  • I know some others have struck out on their own.. come on..

    Dude, you kinda have a good ass job though. I dunno man, unless you are really ready to run shit on your own, id be careful.

    Yeah.. I know the perks are the shit .. be the pay IS shit... and I just am not happy or interested anymore.. I'm not gonna leave until I find a new j o b but its nice to hear stories of people that took some risk.... and by the way congrats on the sale

  • I quit my job and opened a record store.

  • BeekBeek 146 Posts
    I put in my 2 weeks notice with nothing lined up, and the day before my last day another job just fell into my lap. Funny how things work out.

    An old co-worker left his job with nothing lined, and he still has no steady source of income. But he's happy. He's poor, but he's happy.

    Two of us left the same company with nothing lined up. Definitely not a good place to work.

    Just think... If you don't make a move, you could be in the exact same place in five years.

  • Just think... If you don't make a move, you could be in the exact same place in five years.

    I agree - make a move when you can and if you're unhappy.

    I switched companies about a year ago because the opportunity arose and the pay was better. The company I work for now just bought my former company last month.

    Had I not left when I did, I'd probably be out of a job right now.

  • i resigned a TV job to go back to school and pursue music.

    i used to have lots of free time, and a decent amount of money, now i have neither.

    i couldn't be happier.

    i feel like i'm doing something that matters and am on track to make a contribution to the world.

    sometimes you just gotta think of it (as cliched as it sounds) you only live once and you tend to regret the stuff you didn't do more than the stuff you just go for.

  • pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts
    i feel that. i actually quit my job that i was at for 3 years like 4 weeks ago. Now im getting more dj work then ive had in years, got a job working for npr doing remote radio recordings once a week, im starting as a cameraman for the cbs affiliate in my area on tues next week, taking on alot of production and recording work for local cats, bout to get my ebay record dealer on, work at two college radio stations, and going back to school for audio engineering and recording. I just got stuck in a rut with my straight job, doing deliveries to crackheads houses at night in the projects, and decided i needed to get the fuck outta there before i was 30 delivering pizzas at a dead end job or getting robbed and shot in the head over a cheesesteak and $50 beans. Best choice i have ever made in my life. Now im 100% focused and am on my grind like a motherfucker with this music shit. There was so much pettiness and gaye shit at the place i worked too so it feels like a weight was lifted off me not having to hear those dorks negativity and loserdom. Like dude was saying, you only live once so dont let your dreams pass you by due to some nonsense 9 to 5. Being broke aint so bad if your doing something you love. Financially im not doing so well at the moment, but im having a great time and am doing some great resume shit.
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