Mp3 Request: Babu "Comprehension"

YES!Maaan, if anyone has this plaese to upload. This thing has been long out of print and I must of listened to my O.G. tape copy a couple of hundred times. Seriously a fresh-ass mixtape and the beats by Kan Kick on the flip are some tightests beats I've ever heard. Like seriously on the level of some classic Pete Rock schitt.If anyone knows if this has been re-pressed on CD holler...otherwise I'll take a ripped version.thanks in advance
I have one and I think I know how to convert to mp3.
I'll try to up it tonight.
I'mma name my first child after you. Seriously....this is going to be bigger than the Clipse album.
Wierd, someone mentioned this on another board today, I was just thinkin' I need to hear it again.
it's up there.
there's one out before this that babu did that is pretty slick too. not as compostional, but pretty fresh none the less. i think it was called "straight from babs lab".
What about J-Rocc's "Breaking Atoms"? Rhettmatic & J-Rocc "Dynamic Duo"?
and not be a jerk, but I got J-Rocc "Taster's Choice #2" and it was
To me its between "Comprehension" and Shortkut's "Reconstructed Elements", which I lent to a friend and never saw again, so if anyone can post that I will send their kids to college, or something. Thanks serch, can't wait to DL when I get home.
Really? Plaese to lend to your mans and 'em. I've been curious about that series ever since it dropped but I'm too lazy to order it online, even though that's kind of an oxymoron.
Maaaaan, I don't even want to think about it. I finally had all the old tapes converted and lost pretty much all of them when my HD crashed.
Oh SNAP! YES! That is definetly a classic. I remember back in the winter of 98 (which was a real fucked-up time for me) that tape held me down. I remember going down to the basement of Zebra records and buying it(15$?!???!). I think Hairy Belafonte might have his copy. Not only was there some good music on it but it was also flawless in execution.
let show ya my breakbeat collection[/b]
Break Builders Vol. One is another personal classic. According to Zeph they did that shit live which is something noteable since mixing live music can be kind of difficult to do. Plus it was filled with good cuts, nice doubles, and just a strong selection. I can't say that about to many multi-tracked type mixes of that style.
Yeah I wore that tape the fuggout. I would really really like to hear it again. That Biz quote into the Jimmy Smith drums, ooowwweee!
Yes and yes, the poor man's Brainfreeze.
run it
j-rocc - breaking atoms
j-rocc & rhett - dynamic duo
shortkut - reconstructed elements..
takes bit coz i only have a 75kb/s upload rate
j-rocc - breakin atoms
why you being lazy? you know you got most these joints, but prob just cassette. i think i still have your typed-out, 2 page listing of all the mix-tapes you have, back when me, you and d*y was clowning in the aol hip-hop chats.
i know megaupload sucks but rapidshare has a 100meg file size limit..
this is from 2004, super duper clean mix.
i hope them lurkers leeched everything :P
You must have me confused with somebody who took care of his tapes.