this dude needs to find another means....

The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
edited November 2006 in Strut Central rip people off...his break-in game is weak.


  • theory9theory9 1,128 Posts rip people off...his break-in game is weak.

    Hi Mom!

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts

    was waiting for him to come tumbling through the ceiling what a fucknut.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    the degenerate cant even get out the muthafucka. oh shiit.

  • catalistcatalist 1,373 Posts
    this was posted earlier... but damn you can't say it isn't hilarious when he falls off that ladder..

  • great stuff...pretty incompetent thief though...I like that he just lights up...chillin at the end...he looks real tired from getting body slammed into that case...oof!

  • When I was visiting NC in August, the record store I used to work for was broken into in a pretty classy way. Dudes backed a minivan through the front doors/windows and just loaded that shit up and took off. I thought it was hilarious.

  • When I was visiting NC in August, the record store I used to work for was broken into in a pretty classy way. Dudes backed a minivan through the front doors/windows and just loaded that shit up and took off. I thought it was hilarious.

    well, I guess it depends on what they grabbed...if it was all kids records and country....or just your gospel section...haha...

    when I lived in brooklyn...we had a crackhead break into our spot...while we were sleeping...this dude comes in through a screen on 2nd story...comes in...grabs the vcr...and the tv....goes in our video cabinet...cops a legit video with cover, etc. and 2 vcr tape dubbers...

    then he goes to the silverware....takes 2 forks, 1 knife and 3 spoons...he goes to leave...but, the house had 2 doors to leave out the front...both locked behind you...and you had to have a go either way...the one coming back in was mostly wood with a wire grate over the window part...the other was partly wood (around the edges) and then had a big glass plate in the center...this brownstone was built in the mid 1800' that glass was an inch or so...surprised he didn't cut off his head, hand, or foot....but, never the amazement never ceases when dealing with a crackhead....I'm sure he used the vcr...haha..

    on this video...I'm does this guy handle those falls...damn..he's really lucky he's not dead...suri-us...did you hear it with sound...whoa!
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