Leaning Expedit Concerns
2,851 Posts
It was just brought to my attention that my expedit is leaning towards the left. That is, the top of the side-panels are leaning between an 1" and 1.5" to the left of the panel bottoms. My plan is to unload the records, tighten what I can, and hope that it straightens out. Has anybody else encountered this problem? I've never heard of an expedit collapsing and i'd rather not be the first. Mine has only been in use for a year and a half.
Honestly, I'm shocked that we haven't seen posts like this.
I've had the misfortune of buying a ton of Ikea stuff for Res this year...Even the tables are hollow. Its the cheapest stuff I've ever seen made. Precious raers + cheap particle board = heartbreak. Have you been moving it around the apartment? I'd suggest heading to home depot & buying some L-brackets to start. Go in back of the expedit & re-enforce each corner. The ply is a good idea, too. Not that cardboard backing stuff, but actual ply. Obviously, you're dealing with a cheaply made thing - re-enforcing it isn't rocket science, but it does require some care. Get the proper tools & screws & you'll be okay.