RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
edited November 2006 in Strut Central
I plucked out a well-fed deer tick out of my upper thigh last night. Now I'm worried that I'm going to get lyme disease. Anyone here got a first hand web MD experience with these types of things. Naturally I will be calling the doctor in a few minutes.


  • u probably ok bu t go to doctor

  • Watch for a big red "bullseye" type mark at the site you were bit.

    Catch it in time and youll be fine, Let it go to long, and you will end up with early arthritis and or worse.

    Antibiotics are prescribed based on disease stages and manifestations. Doxycycline, tetracycline, cefuroxime, ceftriaxone, and penicillin are some of the choices.

    Anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen, are sometimes prescribed to relieve joint stiffness.

    Expectations (prognosis)

    If diagnosed in the early stages, the disease can be cured with antibiotics. If left untreated, complications involving joints, the heart, and the nervous system can occur."

    Be safe, watch for that mark.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    I plucked out a well-fed deer tick out of my upper thigh last night

    Jesus... were you beating drums in the forest again? or do you live in the forest... steal from the rich give to the poor...

    i have no idea what a well fed deer tick looks like, but the first thing that comes to mind is

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    Raj, a few of my colleagues have contracted Lyme disease... it's not fun but you won't die or anything. Caught early it should be treatable and won't cause you too much discomfort. As was said previously, look for the big red bullseye where the deer tick embedded itself into your fleshiness.
    With all the joint pains I experience periodically I sometimes wonder if I ever contracted Lyme disease myself and didn't know it (I used to do a lot of work in deer-populated areas and plucked my fair share of ticks off of my person, usually just wood ticks, though). Really I think my pains are probably just from me being old.

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    I've had it.

    The tick got me right after i graduated high school and it wasn't discovered until that next winter. I was pretty beat up for a while, the classics: joint pain, etc. I was so out of for a while and then the weirdest / scariest part happened, my spleen started to swell up. It wasn't necessarily painful, but it was just really uncomfortable, i couldn't sleep on my side and i could just feel it sitting there.

    I didn't get too freaked out until the doctor's told me i couldn't do anything physical until it went down. Then my mind started going in a ton of directions and i got myself a little shook.

    It took a couple months until i was back at 100% and i learned a lot from the experience, but that shit was no fun.

    Hope everything works out Raj, if you see the bullseye get yourself checked out.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    Hey RAJ,
    As Phill was mentioning, there are also wood ticks, which infrequently carry Lyme Disease. My father, my Grandma, my Mom, and numerous family pets have had Lyme Disease at one time or another. Go early and often to find out for sure, red bullseye, usually around where the bite took place, etc.

    This is a deer tick:

    This is a wood tick:

    The wood tick is bigger and colored differently on its abdomen. They are less likely to carry Lyme Disease, but don't fuck around.

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    Just get yourself to a doctor. If you've got Lyme Disease, you ID'ed it fast enough that you'll just be on antibiotics for about a month and then you'll be in the clear. My mom got it a few years ago and she was just fine.

    Fuck Ticks though, shit is so disgusting.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    ticks freak me the fuck out. I'd never even seen one till I moved to NorCal. Hope all turns out well, Raj.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,391 Posts
    Not nice. Just get yourself checked early but depending how long ago the tick was on there a blood test may not show anything up yet. If you start feeling kind of terrible then that's probably a better indicator - feel your necks glands and see if they're up. Also the welt is huuuge - no mistaking it, mine was a good couple of inches. Antibiotics will do the trick but hope it's a false alarm.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    My mom has had it a couple times. She caught it early, being an RN and all, so it was basically relegated to the role of nuisance before it could become a serious problem. But yeah, watch out for that telltale bulls-eye, and if you see it, don't fuck around--do like Kool Moe Dee said and go see the doctor.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    Just got back from the doctor and yep... I have the tell tale bullseye eary indicator of lyme's. She put me on two weeks of anti-biotics. That should stop it in its tracks. If not, I gotta go back and get a blood test and do the full blown month long treatment.

  • Just got back from the doctor and yep... I have the tell tale bullseye eary indicator of lyme's. She put me on two weeks of anti-biotics. That should stop it in its tracks. If not, I gotta go back and get a blood test and do the full blown month long treatment.

    Good thing you caught it early. Good luck.
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