cheaper + better seratatatat

AserAser 2,351 Posts
edited November 2006 in Strut Central this the new truth? At $349.99 msrp, it's certainly a lot cheaper than the industry leader. The effects are certainly a step up from Microwave, intergration w/ live/logic/pro tools. plus it seems to have the basics down too. It even handles aac's, something microwave users have been craving for a while.Watch the demo vid and see for yourself.


  • kennykenny 1,024 Posts
    Sno has been trying to hip me to this too!!

    hmm....hard to choose.

  • pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts

    Is this the new truth? At $349.99 msrp, it's certainly a lot cheaper than the industry leader. The effects are certainly a step up from Microwave, intergration w/ live/logic/pro tools. plus it seems to have the basics down too. It even handles aac's, something microwave users have been craving for a while.

    Watch the demo vid and see for yourself.
    damn. Microwave has some serious competition now. This is no joke. Being able to rewire this shit is insane. I couldn't find the video on that link you put up but i found a few on youtube.

    rocking that shit with the trigger finger is so dope. Damn man i might have to convert later on down the road if Microwave dont get up to speed with this shit. I'm real happy with all the maudio equipment that i already own, so i would trust that this shit is fly. This shit probably integrates real easy into ableton which would be real nice for what i got going on.

  • DescryDescry 229 Posts
    when i saw it at aes, torq was far doper than Microwave. as a Microwave user,i wish i had waited.

  • bthavbthav 1,538 Posts
    m-audio is known for putting out garbage consumer-pro gear. the cheap pricepoint doesnt scare me as much as their reputation for selling janky ish

    the bells and whilst are hot, but as far as digital algorithms and fidelity is concerned, im sticking with microwave. their time compression expansion plugin isnt 1g because they are greedy. theres some serious math involved that shows in the end product.

    plus i have a feeling the newest dildo build will have a pretty rediculous interface that'll incorporate alot of these features.

    all aside, torq is and def lighting a fire under dildo's ass

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    I've played with this and it is truly jenky. I wouldn't get it. I could see it lighting a fire under the Rane/Microwave company to include more features, but they kind of stay on the grind with product development as is.

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    oops sorry for the wrong link, here's the video page...

    street price is around $269, so that's half of what Microwave costs. Again, it all depends on the way it handles the basics, which is why Microwave is the industry standard.

    we shall see how this plays out.....

  • bthavbthav 1,538 Posts

    im i the only one that is embarrassed that this stuff kinda stuff is targeted at me.

    torq + dildo + finalshit = the mass proliferation of HORRIBLE music.

  • autezautez 404 Posts
    Damn i was about to buy dildo and now i dont know what to do.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts

    im i the only one that is embarrassed that this stuff kinda stuff is targeted at me.

    torq + dildo + finalshit = the mass proliferation of HORRIBLE music.

    I'm not remotely understanding your pattern of logic here. How will bad music come out of DJ technology in this case/

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts

    im i the only one that is embarrassed that this stuff kinda stuff is targeted at me.

    torq + dildo + finalshit = the mass proliferation of HORRIBLE music.

    I'm not remotely understanding your pattern of logic here. How will bad music come out of DJ technology in this case/

    I don't want to speak for bthav, but my reading of it is that technology like this makes it easier than ever for untalented people to create and record lousy music, then immediately play it out in a club via dildo. In that way, I guess it's sort of an extension of Sturgeon's law: 90 percent of everything is crap, but with so many barriers being broken down, "everything"--in this case, music--has expanded extremely rapidly, yet even with a shitload more music being made, 90 percent of it is still crap, therefore...mass proliferation of horrible music.

  • bthavbthav 1,538 Posts
    "Ninety percent of everything is crud."

    Theodore Sturgeon is
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