Kanye on the EMAs

MjukisMjukis 1,675 Posts
edited November 2006 in Strut Central
Anyone see this? He won best hiphop, lost best video, proceeded to step on stage during Justices acceptance speech going on on how he was robbed of the award. He truly is insane. Hopefully there's a youtube of it soon.


  • the French overdub commentary is icing on the cake.

  • what a queen (no homophobo).

  • d_wordd_word 666 Posts
    Kanye is for the kids

  • This could have been a defining moment in Justice's music career (let's be honest, who's going to hear a thing from them again). Instead of playing it cool, they were presented with a golden opportunity to knock that piece of shit's ass out. Who would have cared? Cee-lo looks like he has a glass jaw and Greymouse could be snapped in half with a swift back breaker.

    Really now, their name is Justice! What a shame...

  • I didn't realize Justice was so big. I thought it was some underground shit. Anyway, NAGL on Kanye's new look and shit looked staged. Still, I got much love for Kanye. He's alright.

  • MjukisMjukis 1,675 Posts

    "If I don't win, the award show loses!" Kinda hard to hear everything over people yelling out the french national anthem, though...

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts

    "If I don't win, the award show loses!" Kinda hard to hear everything over people yelling out the french national anthem, though...

    hilarious. Kanye is quite the entertainer.

  • DongerDonger 854 Posts
    Looks like Kanye can't handle his cocaine.

    Someone please tell him to shed the spaceship outfit and come back to earth soon.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    When will we see George Bush on TV saying

    "Kanye West Doesn't Care About Justice"?

    He just needs to find a Mike Myers side kick first.

  • SLurgSLurg 446 Posts

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts

    It was only a matter of time!

  • marumaru 1,450 Posts
    kanye is such a fucking crybaby. how many times is he going to wine over not winning an award? it's a clunky piece of metal, who cares? he thinks he's the best thing to happen to hip hop. ummm no.

  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    Looks like Kanye can't handle his cocaine.

  • http://www.dailymotion.com/visited/search/Kanye%20on%20the%20ema/video/xlc9b_ema-kanye-goes-nuts

    Kanye is crazy, this was actually pretty funny for him but still awkward and hard to watch...

  • Looked a little staged to me...either that or as they say "Cocaine is a bitch..."

  • What a prick.

  • MjukisMjukis 1,675 Posts
    Looked a little staged to me...either that or as they say "Cocaine is a bitch..."

    Cocaine's a helluva drug... or Kanye has a helluva ego. I don't think it's staged, check out the look on the french guys faces. Looks like genuine irritation to me. It's funny how the famous people got to run the show, Pharrell came up to Justin once and gave him a hug and a pound, he was introducing something completely nonrelated. He was like "Okay..."

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    Kanye was at the EUROPEAN music awards in EUROPE(Denmark) and the award went to a EUROPEAN group. Why is he trippin? Does that fool really think EVERY part of the entire damn world should love everything he does and then give him awards for it? He needs to get into therapy with a shrink. Mr. West has issues.

  • slushslush 691 Posts
    yo thats simian not justice

    anyway justice shits on everything kanye does.... they are far from a flash in the pan, their lp coming out will be huge

  • macacamacaca 278 Posts
    yo thats simian not justice

    its actually a justice remix of a simian track from a few years back.
    and kanye is funny cause theres no way he's 100% serious.
    he called dude a "nigga"

  • "Well, you should of seen the video".

  • cpeetzcpeetz 2,112 Posts
    I'm surprised their was enough room in that place for Kanyes head and
    hundreds of people too..
    Dude loves to talk about his struggle coming up, working shitty jobs,
    moving to Jersey with nothing...
    Then keeps pulling the "don't you know who I Am" type shit now that he's famous?
    Jay-Z needs to give him a lesson in humility if you ask me!
    Did anyone ask me?

  • slushslush 691 Posts
    naw im saying that simian accepting the award

  • macacamacaca 278 Posts
    naw im saying that simian accepting the award
    not to get bitch, cause its really not important, but thats not simian on stage.

  • Ah, man. Who gives a fuck. Fuckin awards show. If it was O.D.B. (RIP) instead of Kanye, y'all would be cheering him on..

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