Anyone use a database to keep collection info?



  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts

    I don't know--I hear "7000 albums" and think one's energy would be better spent on getting rid of 80% of them than on cataloging all of them.

    Oh, if only.

    But in any case, in order to get rid of them, I'd end up cataloging them anyway (in the case I decided to eBay).

    I'm also a packrat, if that helps.

    So I gather.

    Do you still have copies of all of those late nineties Sandbox-type 12"s?

    Dude, you serious? Yeah man. WAY too many of them. I'm not holding onto them out of nostalgia...I just don't have the energy to go back into my collection to find 'em and take 'em out.

    Not to say there wasn't some really fun stuff in there. Perverted Rym Throwwas, holla!

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    I don't know--I hear "7000 albums" and think one's energy would be better spent on getting rid of 80% of them than on cataloging all of them.

    Oh, if only.

    But in any case, in order to get rid of them, I'd end up cataloging them anyway (in the case I decided to eBay).

    I'm also a packrat, if that helps.

    So I gather.

    Do you still have copies of all of those late nineties Sandbox-type 12"s?

    Dude, you serious? Yeah man. WAY too many of them. I'm not holding onto them out of nostalgia...I just don't have the energy to go back into my collection to find 'em and take 'em out.

    Not to say there wasn't some really fun stuff in there. Perverted Rym Throwwas, holla!

    Just wondering.

    Might as well hold onto them for now; you can't give most of that stuff away these days, but I bet a lot of it appreciates eventually.

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    The main reasons why I catalog my records is:

    1) I'm super organized and anal retentive. 2) I'm to the point where I do not remember a lot of records that I have, so a data base stops me from buying the same thing twice, although that still happens from time to time, it would be worse without it. 3) Insurance. The house two houses down from me went up in flames about a year or so ago and scared the shit out of me. Seeing burning embers floating from their roof onto mine made me realize I needed to keep track of the value of my collection in case something like that happened to me.

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    Yeah what Motown said.

    Personally, I would just like to be easily able to check information about records in my collection without having to go and pull shit out. I am also seriously considering insuring my collection and have been told by more than one insurance broker that I will need a list of all items in my collection before insurance can be quoted.

  • 3) Insurance. The house two houses down from me went up in flames about a year or so ago and scared the shit out of me. Seeing burning embers floating from their roof onto mine made me realize I needed to keep track of the value of my collection in case something like that happened to me.

    Does your insurance cover the collectible value of your vinyl? A lot of insurance policies don't from what I hear. Fuck, reminds me that I need to get renters insurance. I've been blowing that off for about, ehhhhh.... 7 years now?

    After my house was robbed a few weeks ago you would have thought I would have been been on top of that. This weekend, I swear!
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