Hey Soulstrut: what's up with these tracks?

Danno3000Danno3000 2,850 Posts
edited October 2006 in Strut Central
Round two of random 45 digs:Robert Del Buono "Mysterious"www.waxingdeep.org/music/mysterious.mp3I don't know enough about this sound to appreciate whether it's a private tepid terd or some Jacques Le Boogie heatery. Please to give me your opinion. All I know is that it's Canadian.Jeffrey Sargo "Have A Good Time"www.waxingdeep.org/music/goodtime.mp3This sounds like the blueprint for eight hundred university bands bands forced upon me in Montreal. I know it's catchy, but I don't know how it compares the rest of whatever genre it's from. Maybe NYC heads know this? It's from 1983 on Nockturn Records.


  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    This sounds like the kind of stuff that seems cool on the headphones at the listening station, but then upon further listen at home it gets filed and never listen to.
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