Sellers post your ebay banned bidder list please

Yo.After getting took for about $70 recently I thought I would share my banned list with everyone so the same thing doesn't happen to anyone else. Many of these users are "no longer registered" status now but it is:astrohood2001, cowill82, faflarage12, graham213gu4, hip2thegame, mimi_pat80bq, moreshiva, oxmop, redkioo, trontremelo, zozozorororo888888I would love to add to my list so feel free to post yours as well.Thanks!-al
I've never tried that, but it may make it easier to track down the identity of an eBay user once the fake bid has been placed (if that would happen still).
For US and rest of the world different rules apply for blocking/pre-approving in general, in the US you can block bidders with 0 feedback, possibly (as it did seem to me). Not sure of that anyway.
You can state in your listing "won't sell to bidders with 0 feedback", and if they bid anyway, you can point to the fact that they're not meeting the required standards, and cancel the bid or maybe get your listing/sales fee back.
The 'meet requirements as stated in listing' rule is only applicable for US eBay sellers, not for others. I thought I should just sort of let people know.
From what I gather the vast majority of sellers who get ripped off on here are screwed by Paypal itself.
I've always maintained we should have a sticky for banned bidders, I can understand how things could get hairy... but damn
aspectjm, autonomy0, beaner$, chicamitipo, coeurenchocolat, eddym1307, fyfanmusic, kingofhawaii718, ofthemirroreye, schoolofspool, shak2345, styleofjinx
1450jad, encore-lyon, exa7574, hayabuza2005, hotrod213, lilou1239, m.o.b.s.t.a, mehdi-rose, recordslover, rowboat610, simale-73, thecocoarose, therealfreak, waxcollector06, montunero69
Also I see waxcollector6 in one of the lists and I swear he has won and paid me before no problem. I guess I can't add him to my list then but thanks for the heads up.
I think people are just messing around here.
and now youre pointing me out and making other sellers block me?
I hope sellers are aware that if they are selling a product that is NOT AS DESCRIBED, they will/can receive negative feedback.
this is weak dude, WEAK!
he's also a spoiled brat and a pain in the ass who's filed charge-backs against some people here.
And Pookeyboy, dude, you totally blindsided me with a negative and I had to raise a fuss on here to get you to remove it. And the record I sold you as mint was mint. guess what? I have all kinda sketchy pressings that look but don't play perfect. It's something you just kinda figure out. Plus, I did offer you a partial refund which you ignored.
and you didn't offer me anything. You only said we could work something out if I removed the negative feedback. and I did..
You didn't contact me before you left the feedback. Plus, I'd already left you a positive. And I did PM you and offer you a partial refund after you removed the neg. No response.
MANY people here can vouch for my fairness in selling records.
To terinmate with extreme prejudice means to take no prisoners
One of the few people I'd buy a VG + record from is Hcrink. He knows how to grade records. And his VG + will be someone else's near mint. Lots of visably mint records have surface noise, clicks, etc. Sometimes the surface noise can be magnified by a bad cartridge/poorly set up rig. Records are noiser than CD. Its just something you get used to.
guy is easily one of the biggest jackasses i've dealt with on ebay.
it's interesting to see how many names these banned lists have in common...
this realfreak threatened me with negative feedback because a record he bought didn't meet his personal definition of 'old school rap'
Dude the last guy to stiff me (zozozoro88) kept telling me "you did not receive payment??, please to check your paypal" etc..
Then he just stopped responding to my emails at all.
Then after I put him on worldwide blast he changes his name and sets his feedback to "private" (which I find is always
I mean can anyone tell me a legit honest reason to set your shit to "private". It seems the only reason to hide your feedback is if YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO HIDE.
I always cancel people with "private" or less than 3 positives.
hiphopjoints, xrics, waxcollector06, astrohood2001, cowill82, faflarage12, graham213gu4, hip2thegame, mimi_pat80bq, moreshiva, oxmop, redkioo, trontremelo, zozozorororo888888, 2ansdavance, 5050montana, 7868joshua, adacmusik, agil61084z2s, alundi, anotherbiscuit2006, bboy_panda, boogaloofunk, ca$h-flow0, camoboyrusty, cocoarose, collector4stuff, crane885, cyrillus110, daneby123, dave-collects, doc.vinyl, doukfon, emeraldseas05, encore-lyon, fever187, finejoeart, fiveoe, funky_muse, galleriegg, geranium765, gilberto2808, golfjock1, greatlakes999, hippotomon, hotrod213, humbugsneak, italia-fashion, jasonk818, jurgen99tt, m.o.b.s.t.a, marco-tu-es-cuits!, marcofunk, mayrock, mehdi-rose, midniight_star, mofati_88, mosem-e-gol, pookeyblow, profesional33, scott14880, soul-control, soul_syndrome, soulmongasa1, the7cees, thedor60, therealfreak, vinzipizzi, yariendegratuit! , aspectjm, autonomy0, beaner$, chicamitipo, coeurenchocolat, eddym1307, fyfanmusic, kingofhawaii718, ofthemirroreye, schoolofspool, shak2345, styleofjinx,
55hipster, asuarez13, deanleggett, esider63, jasonkobe, maggielung11, moz_619, rasyak, stepped_on_a_frog, vazquezdiane
Serial bid retractors: drkrome, funky_muse
Damn thats a lot!!
I can still see what they are bidding on regardless of whether they hide their feedback or not. It makes no difference.
How do you know it's spotless if it's private?
Also unless I'm not getting what you're saying can't I just go to:
advanced search/by bidder/include completed auctions/only if high bidder
Hope that clarified my point