Post your most obscure Disco 12" (pic related)



  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts

    Damn, I haven't seen that in awhile. I remember selling it with

    It might have to be a funky lil disco day here in the office.

  • "flight to jamaica" is known but quite rare. is that other scan a different 12" by the same group? how is it? i love "flight to jamaica"...i've just assumed i'll never find a copy.

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts

    "flight to jamaica" is known but quite rare. is that other scan a different 12" by the same group? how is it? i love "flight to jamaica"...i've just assumed i'll never find a copy.

    "Skank" is the flip of "Flight To Jamaica" and is also bangin' (actually i can't decide which side i like best... might be "Skank"). I put it on a mix I did like a year ago and never got around to finishing up ("A Whole New Way Of Walking"). Maybe before 2006 is done i'll do it, who knows.

  • thanks for the info and the scan...i had only seen a scan of that test pressing. do you have both? i see that one of those test pressings sold on ebay a year back.

    the fact that it's a brooklyn record gives me hope that i might find a copy. so "skank" is also good? "Flight to Jamaica" was comped by dimitri from paris on "disco forever".

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts

    Here is a pic of a Disco 12" I prop on here all the time. This is "that schitt" right here!!!


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    that isn't a 12" it is a small hole 7" right?

    track is unknown only because it isn't good enough to be known. it actually turns up quite a bit under the radar. worth about $100, if it goes higher it will be due to marcofunk getting into 7's.

  • Deep_SangDeep_Sang 1,081 Posts

    that isn't a 12" it is a small hole 7" right?

    track is unknown only because it isn't good enough to be known. it actually turns up quite a bit under the radar. worth about $100, if it goes higher it will be due to marcofunk getting into 7's.

    yeah, small hole 7, I don't think it exists as a 12.

    and I strongly disagree about its quality. there are SO many other records that are known and sought after and are nowhere near as good as this track IMO. I'll post up some clips later and see if it appeals to anyone else.

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    thanks for the info and the scan...i had only seen a scan of that test pressing. do you have both? i see that one of those test pressings sold on ebay a year back.

    I sold that test pressing on Ebay. I do still have the official pressing with Capo label. May part with it one day as I continue selling off as much of my collection as I can. I love that record, so it's one that won't be easy to let go.

  • that isn't a 12" it is a small hole 7" right?

    track is unknown only because it isn't good enough to be known. it actually turns up quite a bit under the radar. worth about $100, if it goes higher it will be due to marcofunk getting into 7's.

    yeah, small hole 7, I don't think it exists as a 12.

    and I strongly disagree about its quality. there are SO many other records that are known and sought after and are nowhere near as good as this track IMO. I'll post up some clips later and see if it appeals to anyone else.

    the tune in question is actually good disco edit fodder, breaks, bugged out vocals, steady riff.... but that slashing guitar which stays in for a gajillion bars is out of control!!! needs to go somewhere.

  • nrichnrich 932 Posts

    Here is a pic of a Disco 12" I prop on here all the time. This is "that schitt" right here!!!


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

    great tune, I 100% agree. And heavily slept on

  • "flight to jamaica" is known but quite rare. is that other scan a different 12" by the same group? how is it? i love "flight to jamaica"...i've just assumed i'll never find a copy.

    the music for flight to jamaica is the exact same music for glen adams affair, "its just a groove"....which is better? i like both,killer shit tho.
    i would like to find out how this came to be...both rip offs of diana ross. them and find out !!

  • "flight to jamaica" is known but quite rare. is that other scan a different 12" by the same group? how is it? i love "flight to jamaica"...i've just assumed i'll never find a copy.

    the music for flight to jamaica is the exact same music for glen adams affair, "its just a groove"....which is better? i like both,killer shit tho.
    i would like to find out how this came to be...both rip offs of diana ross. them and find out !!

    figured j*ff would've been on that one already, though you got a good point.
    which record is the diana ross rip off? just a groove?

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