start drinking

dayday 9,611 Posts
edited October 2006 in Strut Central


  • dCastillodCastillo 1,963 Posts
    just cooked up some uber rare filet mignon, buttered baked potatoes w/ all the fixins, and am drinking nice Spanish wine out of a coffee mug.


  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    fuck that - this is GOLD I TELL YOU

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    just cooked up some uber rare filet mignon, buttered baked potatoes w/ all the fixins, and am drinking nice Spanish wine out of a coffee mug.


    YES. I'm about to go to the store, get some smokes and a likkle wino pint of Makers for later tonight. I've got to get a set together for tomorrow and figure out what's for dinner.

  • dCastillodCastillo 1,963 Posts
    just cooked up some uber rare filet mignon, buttered baked potatoes w/ all the fixins, and am drinking nice Spanish wine out of a coffee mug.


    YES. I'm about to go to the store, get some smokes and a likkle wino pint of Makers for later tonight. I've got to get a set together for tomorrow and figure out what's for dinner.

    Dude just get the big bottle of Makers.

    I'm outskis!

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts

    Wifey cooked up the bomb chicken cacciatore, now I'm bought to pour me some:

    Smoove it out!!!! Shhhh....then I'll step to wifey on the humble.
    Gotta love being married.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    I went to a potluck where everybody bought take out except me, haaaaah. Oh one dude brought the realness w/ these cupcake cheesecakes with strawberry, cherry and kiwi. But seriously, a potluck w/ all take out? GTFOFHBTBS!

    but yeah, I proceed to drink a lot of wine.

    oh in case you wondered what I made, it was a thai chicken curry, obviously w/ coconut milk, OBVIOUSLY.

    ps: somebody made a reference to the "little superstar" video, then I referenced this one. Nobody knew, I felt like an internerd, tear tear.....

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Yo I'm quasi faded and talking with Aser aboot his ginormous evening, but whatever the case is, yall be good.

  • been drunk for 3 weeks solid and i am not proud of it....made a killer spag and meat sauce 2 days ago with lots of nice italian it when those flavours come together the next day and its nice and thick. serioursly, i think i am developing alcoholism. best ales and lagers i ever tasted in my life. there is a store which boasts 500 beers and 600 kinds of wine and its a block away.

    why is herb so shitty and expensive here? it won't even smoke properly unless you put mounds of tobbacco in. arrg. anyone want to hook up in amsterdam next month?

  • dCastillodCastillo 1,963 Posts

    Big Stacks, I feel you on the Bailey's move. Always keeping a bottle round here for some sippy time.

    Hope everybody had a nice Friday. Time to go have a nice Saturday.
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