Tax Software (DJ Related)
711 Posts
Is their a good cheap/free program to help me keep track of my DJ finances. I'm on a mac and i would love to be able to just enter in how much i get paid and how much i spend on music, PA rentals....ect. It would helpful if this software could also print out invoices for when i do gigs that need a receipt. I just want to properly fund this war, aint takin' no shorts in 2007. so whats good? or should i just look at finding a real accountant peace
ive been using gooogle spreadsheets for all that stuff.
Find a real accountant. It'll cost you a couple hundred bucks to prepare your taxes, but they'll save you money where you never thought previously possible. I leave it to an expert. It saves me hours & hours of headache.
My accountant simply asks that I maintain a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with all my expenses & income. And do keep your receipts organized. I am thinking of scanning them so I have a digital copy of everything. Easier to organize than tiny slips of paper.
Quickbooks is the de facto accounting software. You'll have to take some training courses to understand it. It's fairly intuitive but you can't exactly jump into it blindfolded if you have zero bookkeeping/accounting backgrounds. There's other benefits like being able to deduct gasoline expenses and mileage from your trips. An accountant will be able to tell you more about that.
If you're paid under the table it's hardly worth all the trouble. PM if you're serious and I can actually get you setup.