Bay Area - The Bubble Lounge?

dayday 9,611 Posts
edited September 2006 in Strut Central
Anybody ever DJ at this spot? If so, what's the deal?Yo - just saw Neta on the calendar so Rawws I'm lookin your way baby bubba.


  • I've had good and REALLY bad nights at this spot (as a mere spectator/drinker, mind you, not as a DJ).

    Anyway, plaese to let us all know when/if you will be blessing our fair city!!!

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    I shall. It looks once this is locked in (:workinonit:) I'll be doing a couple gigs up there the first week of Nov.

  • Bout time Day! I'm gonna try and make this for sure.

  • Holler on the PM, Dawn.

  • If you play in SF, I will be there...

    That spot's okay, a little clubby for my tastes, but anything above a dive bar is too clubby for me so take that for what it's worth. I've never DJ'd there so I don't know what that's like.

  • Bout time Day! I'm gonna try and make this for sure.

  • Holler on the PM, Dawn.

  • sergserg 682 Posts
    you might want to be careful, or at least avoid taking a cab from that spot

    At 11 p.m. on May 14, 1999, 24 year-old Walnut Creek resident Julie Day[/b] hopped in a cab and left the Bubble Lounge[/b] at 714 Montgomery Street after being asked by employees there to leave for smoking in the rest room. Six days later, her body was found by a backhoe operator at a construction site near Pac Bell Park and McCovey Cove. Soon after the discovery, police arrested 31 year-old cabbie Jehad Baqleh, who they said attempted as many as eight times to use Day's[/b] ATM card after raping and strangling Day[/b]and burying her body at the construction yard. Baqleh gave conflicting accounts including that the devil made him do it before settling on the story that Day[/b]simply stopped breathing during consensual sex in the back of his Town Taxi cab. Because of damage to Day's[/b] body by the backhoe, it took San Francisco Medical Examiner Dr. Boyd Stephens weeks to conclusively determine that her death was caused by asphyxiation. Baqleh was indicted for the murder in September, 2001 after a series of delays. Day[/b] had consumed as many as ten glasses of champagne before getting into Baqleh's cab with the intention of taking BART home to the East Bay. Her body was determined by examiners to have a blood alcohol level more than three times the legal level of intoxication.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    you might want to be careful, or at least avoid taking a cab from that spot

    At 11 p.m. on May 14, 1999, 24 year-old Walnut Creek resident Julie Day[/b] hopped in a cab and left the Bubble Lounge[/b] at 714 Montgomery Street after being asked by employees there to leave for smoking in the rest room. Six days later, her body was found by a backhoe operator at a construction site near Pac Bell Park and McCovey Cove. Soon after the discovery, police arrested 31 year-old cabbie Jehad Baqleh, who they said attempted as many as eight times to use Day's[/b] ATM card after raping and strangling Day[/b]and burying her body at the construction yard. Baqleh gave conflicting accounts including that the devil made him do it before settling on the story that Day[/b]simply stopped breathing during consensual sex in the back of his Town Taxi cab. Because of damage to Day's[/b] body by the backhoe, it took San Francisco Medical Examiner Dr. Boyd Stephens weeks to conclusively determine that her death was caused by asphyxiation. Baqleh was indicted for the murder in September, 2001 after a series of delays. Day[/b] had consumed as many as ten glasses of champagne before getting into Baqleh's cab with the intention of taking BART home to the East Bay. Her body was determined by examiners to have a blood alcohol level more than three times the legal level of intoxication.

    Man that's some next level murdering.
    Hopefully Pat's piggyback rides will be enough for me.

    I'll be there the first weekend of Nov so booze, food and karaoke are a must.

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