Axl Rose v. Fugazi

BamboucheBambouche 1,484 Posts
edited March 2016 in Music Talk
Vote for your favorite "Show Stopper" Exhibit 1:

(I really thought Axl's "King Dick" reference was a sure sign that they would launch into a 3-guitarists (?) version of "Pete, King of the Detectives.")


  • Ill take Axl...just because insane scumbag rockers that might pop a gasket and start wailin' on someone are more fun...

    pontificating babysitters who wouldnt do a fucking thing if really provoked are so un-rock and boring...

  • i always liked how iam mackay handled idiots like that.

    i'm really surprised axl stopped like that. pretty raw. i just remember him jumping into the crowd that one time, boots first, ending up jacking some girl in the face.

    i remember going to hip-hop shows with ppl geting real dumb by crowd surfing. if this happened in our area of the crowd, me and homie cashless would always do some shit like punch the dude in the nuts or grab their shoes and throw them across venue or twist their leg a direction it shouldn't be going. fuckin idiots.

    i like this one for a showstopper.


  • It's hard to argue with GNR when the best Fugazi could come up with was "you ice cream eating mother fucker" I knew those guys never had a sense of humor.

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts
    last time i saw fugazi (about 3-4 yrs back) mr. mackay pulled the same thing with this fan who was video taping the show. Apparently the fan was taking up too much space for ian with his camcorder, and thus had to be called out.

    seemed silly to me, but whatever.

    i would go with axl.

  • Axl appears to have way too many guitarists on the stage.

  • Damn you guys are breaking frames out of the tables
    and nobody told me?

    At least when I'm sitting in a bar and the shit starts
    to go down I can hear the tables turning over.

    Also : "Guns N Roses" played a show in S.F. last week?

    Okay here is a fu'n SHOWSTOPPER : Jesus Lizard live in Dallas.
    Yow gets nailed behind the ear with a glass bottle, and
    goes down. Y'all know some shit went down at Jesus Lizard shows

    I don't know how to embed YouTube videos, so here's the link:



  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

    i remember in my wildest dreams going to hip-hop shows with ppl geting real dumb by crowd surfing. if this happened in our area of the crowd and I was still fast asleep at home with my head on my puffy soft pillow, me and homie cashless would always do some shit like pretend to punch the dude in the nuts or grab their shoes and throw them across venue or twist their leg a direction it shouldn't be going. fuckin idiots.

  • aw man. i've been hosed. whattup rgd2?

  • THIS JUST IN (a.k.a. "We Have a Winner")

    Okay here is a fu'n SHOWSTOPPER : Jesus Lizard live in Dallas.
    Yow gets nailed behind the ear with a glass bottle, and
    goes down. Y'all know some shit went down at Jesus Lizard shows


    To be fair, Jesus Lizard belong in a category all their own.

    That footage is damn near identical to the Jesus Lizard shows I've seen. Including one such show many years ago (coincidentally, just a few hours after I saw Fugazi--the reply to the "those guys have no sense of humor" notion is coming) and Yow kept alternately spitting on the audience--taunting--and then diving into it. The people he spit on would struggle to get near him to punch, scratch, rip hair out. He'd make his way back to the stage, red spots all over him, minus an article of clothing, take a swill of Bud, then spit into the audience just before diving in on them again. Oh, and, he was singing the entire time.

    This behavior continued through the duration of the show. By the end Yow was bloody, bruised, shirtless, shoeless, swollen, and looking completely unfazed. Like he had done the same each night of the three weeks of tour prior to the that show. Like he intended to do the upcoming two weeks of the tour.

    All the lunkhead type dudes who showed up to mosh ("it's about getting my fucking aggression out, mom... THAT'S why!") got more than they expected.

    I am the type of dude who is bigger than most, which gives me the perception of being able to handle mines--thankfully I don't ever have to ante up. Personally, I enjoy not being punched. Or punching anyone. I can only assume that David Yow--a whole foot shorter and probably 40 lbs. lighter--is of a completely different make-up than I.

    Strangely, earlier that day, at the Fugazi show, I got pinned between 5,000 hungry teenagers and this really sharp piece of stage. Completely unable to keep my legs from going under the stage while my torso stayed above (my face had that please don't let me be the 'old dude who got crushed at a punk show' look, no doubt), it took a member of the band stopping the show and asking every one of the "ice cream eating motherfuckers" to take two steps the fuck back so me and my fellow frontliners could walk home. I was thankful they did.

    Stranger still, it was those same D.C. NeoCom(munist)s who, later that night at the Jesus Lizard show, were standing next to me, dancing, cheering, and generally having a wonderful time watching Yow incite all the ice cream eating motherfuckers. Not once did they try to stop it. I even caught them singing along to "Sick, Drunk, Blow, Job."

    I thought that was funny.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    great thread, heres one of my faves!!

    a nirvana gig from 88. the bouncer wont let kurt back onstage, so he cracks him w/ his strat.

    later in the show kurt smashed the soundboard which happened to belong to the bouncer. they had to duck out and sneak off, before they were killed.

  • meshmesh 925 Posts
    Damn you guys are breaking frames out of the tables
    and nobody told me?

    At least when I'm sitting in a bar and the shit starts
    to go down I can hear the tables turning over.

    Also : "Guns N Roses" played a show in S.F. last week?

    Okay here is a fu'n SHOWSTOPPER : Jesus Lizard live in Dallas.
    Yow gets nailed behind the ear with a glass bottle, and
    goes down. Y'all know some shit went down at Jesus Lizard shows

    I don't know how to embed YouTube videos, so here's the link:



    DAMN! that takes me back. shit, i need to pop on some lizard RIGHT NOW! holy shit, that takes me back. he got naked both shows i saw him almost 10 years ago. dudes fucking crazy. those shows were insane.

    thanks for posting that up terry!

  • The Orbit Room was the BEST club in Dallas. RIP.

  • great thread, heres one of my faves!!

    a nirvana gig from 88. the bouncer wont let kurt back onstage, so he cracks him w/ his strat.

    later in the show kurt smashed the soundboard which happened to belong to the bouncer. they had to duck out and sneak off, before they were killed.

    I was at that show, its Dallas 1991 at Trees...not 88. The dude he hit was Turner, (in)famous Bouncer/Security dude.(Actually a really nice guy) When they came back for the In utero tour, Turner and his Buddies were waiting for Kurt at the venue.

  • me and homie cashless would always do some shit like punch the dude in the nuts or grab their shoes and throw them across venue or twist their leg a direction it shouldn't be going. fuckin idiots.

    Wow! If that's true, and like Harvey I doubt it is, you're a twat.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    i saw jesus lizard in 1991. blues expolsion opened and sonned the fuck out of them.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    Dallas 1991 at Trees...not 88

    yeah, i kinda just pulled that number outta my ass.

    ps. im very jealous of you, having seen nirvana. esp right before they blew up.

  • Wow! If that's true, and like Harvey I doubt it is, you're a twat.

    d, so you like dudes jumping on your neck when you're trying to enjoy a hip-hop show? i think fools trying to turn a sea of heads into a moon bounce deserve the name calling. maybe you're that type of dude, but not i. not in that environment. sorry.

    might i add, much of this crowd surfing shit i witnessed at project blowed shows...

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,918 Posts
    I used to catch Nomeansno every time they came through town. It was great watching someone closer to your dad's age rock for three to four hours straight (at a time when most two-bit punk groups played for a fashionable half hour). The last time I saw them, they had a real problem with kids jumping on stage, stealing the mic, and generally acting like snotty brats. Nomeansno put up with it for a while, but at one point Rob just lost it and started literally kicking some suburban doofus off the stage. When the song finished, he got on the mic and said, "Don't get on this stage unless you have something people want to see!" Sure enough, right after the next song starts, the same gets up, pulls down his pants and moons the crowd. Again, Rob starts kicking the shit out of him, until the kid falls into the crowd, pants around his ankles. I guarantee his ass was bruised and sore the next day.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    (Actually a really nice guy)

    yeah, he looks like one - the way he keeps pushing dude back out
    into the crowd, and then punches him in the face before he gets
    to his feet.

    In my experience, a good 90% of bouncers can eat a fucking dick.

  • Yowza!

    To be fair, Jesus Lizard belong in a category all their own.

    That footage is damn near identical to the Jesus Lizard shows I've seen. Including one such show many years ago (coincidentally, just a few hours after I saw Fugazi--the reply to the "those guys have no sense of humor" notion is coming) and Yow kept alternately spitting on the audience--taunting--and then diving into it. The people he spit on would struggle to get near him to punch, scratch, rip hair out. He'd make his way back to the stage, red spots all over him, minus an article of clothing, take a swill of Bud, then spit into the audience just before diving in on them again. Oh, and, he was singing the entire time.

    That sounds EXACTLY like the Jesus Lizard I saw in Austin in 1991 (Cannibal Club, RIP).

    I've told this story here before, but it's rare that a Yow-centric pops up, so here goes:

    In college, I worked at Sam's Club and was always ringing up flatbeds filled with goods to be resold. There was this one really kind middle-aged gentleman who would always buy cases of candy bars for his vending machine business, Vendable Vittles. His name was Frank Yow, and every time he'd come through my line, I'd grin at his name because I only knew of one other Yow.

    So one day, Frank came through my line and I said, "You know, there's a singer named David Yow." His face lit up: "That's my son!" I was shocked that he not only birthed this freak, but seemed very proud of his freak. Just like a doting dad, he said, "His band the Jesus Lizard is doing very well," stressing "Lizard" when he said it, making him sound like a disconnected dad. "He and his wife just visited us for Thanksgiving."

    I wanted to say, "Yeah, he almost spit on my date a few months ago. Great guy!"

    He then chatted a little bit about Rey Washam, former drummer for Scratch Acid. He then paid me for a couple hundred candy bars and left me there, stunned.

  • i remember in my wildest dreams[/b] going to hip-hop shows with ppl geting real dumb by crowd surfing. if this happened in our area of the crowd and I was still fast asleep at home with my head on my puffy soft pillow[/b], me and homie cashless would always do some shit like pretend to[/b] punch the dude in the nuts or grab their shoes and throw them across venue or twist their leg a direction it shouldn't be going. fuckin idiots.

    Naw, Robert. No bullshit and no beef. This happened at the Goodie Mob show during the Still Standing tour at Stubbs. Trustafundian dude was trying to crowd surf near the front of the stage and was pushing and kicking the girls up front trying to check out the show. Dude got punched, and he fucking deserved it. If you were there, and if you would have seen how rough he was being in an area with lots of girls who were DEFINITELY NOT trying to be on some hardcore moshpit type shit, you would've been fucking pissed too. I know you and Cashless got beef, and we got a shitty history, and you don't cut for most of the people cool with us, but save that. Please. This shit straight up happened.

    And Danno, if you think moshing on some girls like that is cool, then you're the fucking twat.

    I'm not against that moshing, crowd surfing shit, but there's a time and place, and that wasn't it.

  • (Actually a really nice guy)

    yeah, he looks like one - the way he keeps pushing dude back out
    into the crowd, and then punches him in the face before he gets
    to his feet.

    In my experience, a good 90% of bouncers can eat a fucking dick.

    read the account that was posted, Kurt was a big prick that night...he was just sticking up for one of his friends...

    No, I had no idea what was gonna happen later. Anyway, that night he smashed the monitor board and he beat it with his guitar. He just smashed it and broke the guy's hand... his own monitor man. First he was complaining that the kids were all over the stage. So they wanted me to double as security to help keep the kids off the stage. I made a lot of money that night... Haha! And then he got mad at his monitor man and smashed the monitor board, and then he jumped out into the crowd. Well, he had smashed the monitor board and I couldn't believe he did it. So, ya know, I'm standing there and Creyton comes up to me... the owner... and he's like, "Turner, what fuck!?" I was like, "Man, don't worry about it... these guys aint getting out of here without paying for it. Ya know, even if I have to personally whoop all of them... because I am pretty sure I could take 'em all on... ya know?" But anyway the little bastard fuckin' dove out into the crowd and was kicking his feet into the monitors. And I yanked him up by the hair of his head and tried to pick him up and throw him back on stage. And the kids were pulling his clothes off... they had a hold of his hair... everybody's ripping on him. Right then the little fucker hit me on the head with a guitar. After he did that it knocked me out, so now I am going by the video footage. It knocked me out and I pulled back a handful of strings off his guitar. But he gets up and ya know, I see the blood on my head... so I fucking nailed his ass and kicked him. I think I kicked him in the be honest I couldn't tell if I had landed a good kick or not. But I waited in a parking lot afterwards for his ass when they were about to leave. Russell Turns is the monitor man down there... I think he's the sound man now... I don't know. He came up and said, "Turner, he's going out back!" So I go running around the back and I hear... "Get in... get in cab... GET IN THE CAB!!" Ya know, they're telling him to get in the cab and all these people just dog pile me man, and hold on to me. And I was watching the cab go and he was trying to get on Elm Street and I see the brake lights and the cab stop. So I go, "It's cool... it's cool, man...I'm alright... I'm alright... I'm dizzy." Because I was bleeding profusely from the head. So uh... when they let go of me I went running across parked cars and I went over there and started kicking the cab and I kicked the taillights and headlight out of the cab. My plan... my objective... to take control of the situation... like our Nazi President George Bush does. And I was gonna kick the headlights out... and get the cab driver out... kick his ass... get the keys and then start workin'. Well, that didn't work and I'm runnin' around and there were a bunch of kids with us, too. I can't remember this kid's name, but he had real long hair... a Hispanic kid... a heavy metal kid... and he was right there, man. I wish I could remember his name. Man, I punched that cab's window and it fell. I went right though it on top of them.

    You smashed the cab's windshield with your hand and what was Kurt Cobain doing?

    Yeah, I went right through it... I mean I went in... all the way. He gave me a peace sign and that's when I said... "Fuck it!" That mad me so fucking mad, I went through the window on him. I bit his nose, man... Haha...and I fuckin' had his nose in my teeth and I'm telling him that I'm gonna walk through his dreams until he's fucking dead... right. And everybody pulled me off of him and I got out of there unscathed. I thought I was gonna get sued by... I kept receiving letters from Geffen Records... this and that ya know and I'd throw them away. Then I talked to Jeff Liles... Jeff Liles, ya know the guy that worked with Rigor Mortis. He wrote this real sweet juicy letter to Geffen. And I kept thinking they were gonna sue me. Well, they sent me three grand to shut me up... and I wasn't about suing this guy... I didn't give a fuck... I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.

    My band shared practice space with one of his bands, would see and talk to him regularly...he was cool to me.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Honestly, I read that account when it was first posted - and
    he still seems like an ass to me ... from proudly describing biting Cobain's
    nose to the earlier descriptions of his stage routine where he cuts himself
    with swords and daggers ... but I'm not looking to scrap about it, I'm sure
    he was cool to you, and I've known plenty of dudes who were genuinely psycho
    yet totally nice to me and even considered friends, so I can't hate too much.

    I've just seen too many bouncers ruin shows by attacking the band/crowd/both
    to be sympathetic when watching that video. Too many fresh memories of being
    put in a choke hold for jumping straight in the air once at a Slayer show, and
    watching my friend's nose get split in two when he tried to appeal to the guy
    to let me go...

  • yeah, I understand

    but I did see Kurt go over to the monitor board(to his left) and just smash his guitar into it, hard enough for him to break a dudes hand...if someone did that to my friend's gear, I prolly would have done the same genius as a songwriter Kurt was, I dont think it is beyond the realm of possibilty that he was a prima donna of a little prick at times...

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Whoa, some dude was trying to mosh at a Goodie Mob show. And some others moshed at Project Blowed shows. What severe violations of the 157th elemental code of hip-hop ethics.

    So of course like a true super-hero...Brent, who maybe weighs a buck twenty five, punched this Goodie Mob mosher in the nuts, took his shoes off to throw them across the room, and then twisted dude's leg into a pretzel.

    Sure that happened.

  • Vote for your favorite "Show Stopper"[/b]

    Exhibit 1:

    (I really thought Axl's "King Dick" reference was a sure sign that they would launch into a 3-guitarists (?) version of "Pete, King of the Detectives.")

    Doo Doo All Over This Cornball Thread.

    Just Stop Already Please.

  • Vote for your favorite "Show Stopper"[/b]

    Exhibit 1:

    (I really thought Axl's "King Dick" reference was a sure sign that they would launch into a 3-guitarists (?) version of "Pete, King of the Detectives.")

    Doo Doo All Over This Cornball Thread.

    Just Stop Already Please.

    what the hell is cornball about this thread? I think this thread is pretty entertaining...were having a good time. You go away now.

  • gotta love all those "ice cream eating motherfuckers".

  • So of course like a true super-hero...Brent, who maybe weighs a buck twenty five, punched this Goodie Mob mosher in the nuts, took his shoes off to throw them across the room, and then twisted dude's leg into a pretzel. Sure that happened.

    ok, you got me, rashied. i'm making up stories to have something newsworthy to contribute and get noticed by a bunch of dudes. yay!

    why you so concerned about my stories that don't involve you?

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    I saw Nirvana play the day after the 1992 MTV music video awards when Kurt got into a bit of a tiff with Axl. Apparently, Kurt was holding newborn Frances backstage when Axl was walking by. He and Courtney asked him to be the godfather and Axl flipped out, threatening them. At the show the next day, they related this story, talking about how Axl wanted to fight while he was holding a baby. Some fan in the crowd was yelling at them and was allowed onstage to defend Axl. Krist debated him for a few minutes and then kicked him back off.

    at the end of this clip from the awards show, Dave is heard taunting Axl.

    clip from the show I saw. Doods were hard.

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