robbery at the friends of sound
548 Posts
yes. you read it right. i was broken into sunday night. the store is closed monday so i didn't find out til today. thankfully it was a smash and grab job and they only took cash, leaving raer and much recording gear and two computers. But they did make off with about $1000. so i'm left record rich and cash poor. if you were ever after a high priced record and were on the fence, this is the time to buy or make me an offer.i'll also accept virtual hugs to help me feel better.
My condolences on the cash and good luck with business this week!
If it helps I just told an Aussie couple who live in Austin about the store--met them in DC where they flew up to see the Radio Birdman gig (Wig used to be in a group called the Bam Balams in Sydney in the 90s). He is big into vinyl, so I will email him and remind him to stop in!
hope this helps
(no homo)
i am so sorry to hear this. this shit makes me angry.
hard enough running a business and making ends meet, but the rules of the game get tougher with this sort of a loss.
do you have any insurance that will help with any coverage?
keep your head up....
set sale