How often do you get laid?

DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
edited September 2006 in Strut Central
Probably a lot more than the average person. (Reuters) - Fans of hip hop music are likely to have had more sexual partners in the last five years while many of those who prefer classical strains will have tried cannabis, according to a study released on Thursday.Psychologist Adrian North from the University of Leicester surveyed 2,500 Britons to find out how their musical tastes related to their lifestyles and interests.He said the results showed said it was possible to discover clues about what people were like simply from the music they liked.Almost 38 percent of hip hop devotees and 29 percent of dance music fans were more likely to have had more than one sexual partner in the last five years compared to just 1.5 percent of country music fans.However they were also more likely to have broken the law, with more than 50 percent of both hip hop and dance music lovers admitting committing a criminal act.A quarter of classical music fans have tried cannabis while 12 percent of those who liked opera had experimented with magic mushrooms."Surprisingly there have been very few studies on how people's age, sex, socioeconomic status and personality relate to the music they enjoy listening to," North said.He now wants to recruit 10,000 people for a wider study on his Web site


  • Around these parts the pharse "you don't like rap music" now contains even more venom than before.

  • While they do offer culturally scintillating results, surveys like this have a modest (at best) connection to the real world. That is, just because there's a correlation b/w two phenomena does not, by any means, denote a relationship. For instance, both ice cream consumption and homicide rates increase during the summer, but that's not to say that ice cream has anything to do with the likelihood of you being murdered.

  • ^ ahem

    Sounds like somebody listens to Country Music....

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    this shit is fucking stupid
    "omg the most popular music fans have the most sexxxxxz"

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    For instance, both ice cream consumption and homicide rates increase during the summer, but that's not to say that ice cream has anything to do with the likelihood of you being murdered.

    Funny, that's what that guy I murdered for ice cream last summer said.

  • hmmmm,

    well I listen to hip hop and I've had 3 partners in the last 5 months, smoke cannibus regularly, have used magic mushrooms - alot - and was once caught shoplifting.....a toothbrush. Oh, and someone was shot in front of my house last night.

    but I don't listen to country or classical.

    so from this I can infer that white, male, california natives living in Brooklyn who listen to hip hop are more likely to smoke weed, trip balls, have sex, shoplift and live in neighborhoods with high crime rates.

    soooo glad that anthropology degree is being used for something.

  • but I don't listen to country or classical.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,111 Posts
    I know a co-worker with a fascination with Kenny Rodgers and he always feels free to share his past sexual exploits with everyone within earshot.

  • Y'know, not that I'm an expert in these types of things, but... Anybody think maybe the reason people who listen to hiphop and dance music tend to get laid more might have something to do with those same people spending more time than most people hanging out in clubs and then hooking up with people? That's just my uneducated guess, anyhow. Not a lot of classical music lovers are hanging out at clubs bumping and grinding with potential bedmates.

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts
    'Hip-hop fans were the most likely to have attended a fee-paying school.'

    apparently Eton is the rillest ghetto in the uk.

  • last time i remember a report like this coming out, they said that it was the JAZZ fans who were fucking more than anybody
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